This proceeding features papers from EAI Mobility Io T 2022 – the 9th International Conference on Mobility, Io T and Smart Cities, which took place December 15-16, 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia and online. The conference focuses on innovative technologies influencing industry and connectivity sectors in industrial, urban, social and sustainable development. The papers cover many topics in mobility, including car manufacturing, e-mobility, smart cities, smart factories (Industry 4.0), smart logistics, social mobility, technological innovations, sustainability, multicultural development, Internet of Things sectors, etc. The papers are applicable to researchers, academics, students, and professionals.
Spis treści
Introduction.- Bike Sharing – As Urban Transport Solution in a Small City.- Enhancing Resilience by Understanding Smart City and Safe City Concepts and their Common Systems.- Possibility Of Accelerating Power Signal Calculation In A System Of Internet Of Things.- State of art and challenges of robotics in Slovak Republic.- Concept of the Factories of the Future in Slovak industrial companies.- The importance of housing companies in the development of sustainable housing and increase in competitiveness.- Performance comparison of zoning techniques in geographic forwarding rules for ad hoc networks.- Scheduling heuristic to satisfy due dates of the customer orders in mass customized service industry.- Development of Employee Commitment Extent in Innovation Processes in Slovak Organisations.- Smart Surveillance Systems and Their Applications.- The Smart Logistics.- Identifying Points of Interest and Similar Individuals from Raw GPS Data.- Cooperation models for employee education: analysis on Slovak and Czech companies.- Testbed on IT communication in Smart Grid: a cyber security demonstration.- Aspects Affecting Emissions Production from Small Heat Sources.- The Effect of Bankruptcy on the Intangible Assets Valuation.- EDGE4ALL: Edge Computing for Smart City.- Simulator for Smart City Environment.- Evaluation of parking policy in Bratislava in the context of economic growth and automotive transport development in Slovakia.- Managerial Skills for Innovation Support.- Use of modern technologies at baggage tracking and its impact to airline revenue.- Rediscovering urban smart communities.- Industry 4.0 – the need of rethink strategic planning.- Moving towards Network State.- Are Home-based Businesses New Trends in Working Environment for Youth and Senior Entrepreneurs in Europe.- The platform for production capacity exchange management as a support for implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept.- Communication management in multi-client system using SMS gateway.- Smart Solutions for Big/Small Cities.- Intelligent Hardware-Software Platform for Efficient Coupling of Water-Energy Nexus in Smart Cities: A Conceptual Framework Cost Analysis of Telemedicine Implementation in the lens of Healthcare Sustainability.- Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Sector: Empirical evidences of Io HT Benefits and Limits on chronic disease management.- Software-Defined Networking for Smart Buildings: Advances and Challenges.- How Millennials will Use Autonomous Vehicles.- Smart Collaborative Learning Environment for Visually Impaired Children.- FMWare: Io T-based Fleet Management System.- Building Ecosystem to Support Social Mobility for Person with Disabilities (PWD): Malaysia Context.- Designing Playful Cities: Audio-Visual Metaphors for New Urban Environment Experience.- Migration and Diversity Potentials for the Labour Market.- Gender differences in the Income of Employees over 50 with Emphasis on Various Sectors of Economy.- Analytic Network Processas a Tool of Innovative Management at Manufacturing Technology Selection.- Conclusion.
O autorze
Lucia Knapcikova is Vice-Dean for International Relations and Mobility at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies (FMT) of the Technical University of Košice. In 2017 she completed her Habilitation for Associate Professor at the FMT in the field 'Manufacturing Technologies’. In 2011 she completed her Ph D study at the above-mentioned Faculty. Assoc. Prof. Knapcikova, Ph.D., is the author of more than 230 scientific papers in Slovakia and abroad, and she is the owner of 6 utility models. She participated in several international research projects, mainly in Germany. She works on an international project with the cooperation of TU Graz, Austria and research institution Pro2Future, Gmb H., Graz, Austria (2023-2026). The project under the scheme Horizon 2020- H2020 Less Than Wagon Load (Project duration 2017-2020) was a collaboration with Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Slovakia, where she´s position was the Faculty project coordinator. The project aims developing a SMART-specialised logistics cluster for the chemical industry in the Port of Antwerp to shift transport volumes from road to rail freight. She participated in project EUROSTARS (BRIDGE2ERA Program) with the collaboration of the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau (TH Wildau), Germany. The aim of the project is Industry 4.0 strategic orientation between universities and SMEs. She lectured at the universities in Germany (TH Wildau), the Czech Republic (TU Liberec) and Croatia (J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod). Her area of interest includes SMART technologies, SMART materials, and application possibilities directly in the industry. In 2018, she was awarded the category “Personality of Science and Technology under 35 years“. The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, in support of the development of science and technology and the recognition of exceptional achievements in this field, wasawarded the Science and Technology Awards – the highest award in science and technology, for the year 2018. She is a member of the European Alliance for Innovation, Belgium (, TEAM Society in Croatia and an active member of the Editorial Board of Acta Tecnología Journal (Slovakia), and SAR Journal (Serbia). She is a responsible person for organizing International conferences under the EAI organization-International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, EAI Fabulous and EAI Mobility, Io T and Smart Cities.
Shakib Zohrehvandi graduated in Industrial Engineering in 2020 from the Science and Research Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran. As a Research Scientist, he is awarded a 10-month scholarship in the framework of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. In his research, he has contributed to the development of several novel heuristic algorithms in the area of modeling and optimization in project and construction management, project planning & scheduling, and project time optimization. He is collaborating with several international journals as an editorial board member. Furthermore, he participates in several international conferences, and currently, he is active as a member of reviewer boards and scientific committee members in several international journals too. He has also taught several courses related to project and construction management and project planning and scheduling in companies and universities and now he is teaching at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Kosice. In terms of international collaboration on research, he has been collaborating with several Scholars and Scientists around the world on research projects. In addition to academic activities, he has been actively involved as a Senior project scheduler in several projects and companies which was in accordance with hisresearch area. His research interests are modeling and optimization in the project, industrial, and construction management, project planning & scheduling, operations research, and project and industrial time optimization.