Autor: Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez

Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez Former Professor from the School of Agricultural Engineering at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) from 1988 to 2017. Presently Senior Researcher associated to the Energy Planning Center-NIPE-UNICAMP. Coordinated the Energy Planning Center-NIPE-UNICAMP between 1997-2002, and 2012-2013. Coordinator of International Relations of UNICAMP between 2002-2009 and Vice-Rector of International Relations of UNICAMP 2013-2017. Co-coordinated projects in Bioenergy such as a study on sugarcane ethanol expansion in Brazil to substitute 10% of the world gasoline consumption. Administration Coordinator at ILUM School of Sciences at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials-CNPEM, Brazil (2021-2023). Coordinated books in bioenergy such as: „Sugarcane Bioethanol: R&D on Sustainability and Productivity” published in 2010 (Jabuti Prize); „Roadmap on Sustainable Biofuels for Aviation in Brazil” – Boeing/Embraer Project, book published in 2014; „Sugarcane Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Latin America and Africa” published in 2019. Frank Rosillo-Calle(*) Frank Rosillo-Calle is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London, UK. He has over 40 years research experience on biomass energy, with particular interest in Brazil. He has been involved in many international research projects and has published extensively in scientific journals and books e.g., Contributor/Editor of Energy from Alcohol (1983), The Charcoal Dilemma (1996), Industrial Uses of Energy from Biomass (2000), Biomass Energy Handbook (2007 and 2015). He has taught biomass/biofuel energy courses at various universities in Brazil, Spain, UK, and Thailand. (*) In publications, the author”s name appears either as Frank or Francisco

3 Ebooki wg Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez

Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez & Maria da Graca Derengowski Fonseca: Global Bioethanol
Global Bioethanol: Evolution, Risks, and Uncertainties explores the conceptual and methodological approaches for the understanding of bioethanol technologies, policies and future perspectives. After …
Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez & Frank Rosillo-Calle: The future role of biofuels in the new energy transition
The current upheaval in the energy sector, and the consequent potential implication for biofuels, have led the authors to write this book. The prime focus is Brazil whose historical experience has be …
Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez: Proálcool 40 anos
Este livro apresenta informações sobre a saga brasileira de produção e uso de etanol veicular. Foi realizado em comemoração aos 40 anos do lançamento do Proálcool, que aconteceu em novembro de 1975. …