Autor: Luis Bertola

Luis Bértola (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) Professor at the Economic and Social History Program, director of the Ph.D. and Master Programme, since 2005; Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg since 2010; Member of the Bureau of the International Economic History Association 2009-2015; CEPR Associate; member of the Figuerola Institute, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid; Director of the Montevideo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Data Base. Was editor of the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History Review. Co-author of The Economic Development of Latin America since Independence (Oxford University Press, 2012) and of several articles and book chapters of international publications during the last years. Has been advisor for ECLAC, IADB, ILO, NU and several national institutions in Uruguay and Latin America. Jeffrey G. Williamson (Harvard University and University of Wisconsin-Madison) The Laird Bell Professor of Economics, emeritus, Harvard University and Honorary Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Williamson is past President of the Economic History Association (1994-1995), Chairman of the Harvard Economics Department (1997-2000), and Master of Harvard’s Mather House (1986-1993).

4 Ebooki wg Luis Bertola

Luis Bértola & Jeffrey Williamson: Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book brings together a range of ideas and theories to arrive at a deeper understanding of inequality in Latin America and its complex realit …
Luis Bertola & Jose Antonio Ocampo: Economic Development of Latin America since Independence
Latin America is attracting increasing interest due to the strong economic performance of the last decade and to the political changes that are taking place. This book gives a unique, comprehensive, …
Luis Bertola & Jose Antonio Ocampo: Economic Development of Latin America since Independence
Latin America is attracting increasing interest due to the strong economic performance of the last decade and to the political changes that are taking place. This book gives a unique, comprehensive, …
Alicia Puyana Mutis & Martín Puchet Anyul: América Latina en la larga historia de la desigualdad
La desigualdad en América Latina ha sido una constante histórica. Brechas en la distribución del ingreso; diferencias de acceso a bienes y servicios por etnia, condición laboral o social; crecientes …