Deborah Lee is of Cree, Mohawk, Métis and French ancestry. She was a reference librarian at the National Library of Canada and Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa/Gatineau for seven years. Lee was the Indigenous Studies Portal Librarian and team leader at the University of Saskatchewan Library in Saskatoon for four years but has been the Indigenous Studies Liaison and Aboriginal Engagement Librarian at the U of S since 2011. She would like to dedicate her chapter to her two adult children, Eric and Tara, her son-in-law, Jake, and twin grandchildren, Liam and Elizabeth.Maha Kumaran is the initiator, founding member, and co-moderator of the Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (Vi MLo C) Network, a CLA Network. She works as a liaison librarian at the University of Saskatchewan. She is grateful to the support she has received from the University of Saskatchewan to pursue her research. She would like to thank the many librarians who have played a major role in shaping her career as a librarian. She would also like to thank members of Vi MLo C for their support.
1 Ebooki wg Mahalakshmi Kumaran
Mahalakshmi Kumaran & Deborah Lee: Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians
Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians: Oral Histories from Canada, is a collection of chapters written by librarians of color in Canada writing about their experiences working in libraries. This …