The volume is the outcome of the conference 'Lie superalgebras, ’ which was held at the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, in 2012. The conference gathered many specialists in the subject, and the talks held provided comprehensive insights into the newest trends in research on Lie superalgebras (and related topics like vertex algebras, representation theory and supergeometry). The book contains contributions of many leading esperts in the field and provides a complete account of the newest trends in research on Lie Superalgebras.
Spis treści
1 A. Alldridge, Z. Shaikh: Superbosonisation, Riesz superdistributions, and highest weight modules.- 2 K. Coulembier: Homological algebra for osp(1|2n).- 3 A. D’Andrea: Finiteness and orbifold vertex operator algebras.- 4 A. De Sole: On classical finite and affine W -algebras.- 5 M. Gorelik, D. Grantcharov: Q-type Lie superalgebras.- 6 C. Hoyt: Weight modules for the Lie superalgebra D(2, 1, a).- 7 R. Fioresi, S. Kwok: On SUSY curves.- 8 V. G. Kac, P. Moseneder Frajria, P. Papi: Dirac operators and the Very Strange Formula for Lie superalgebras.- 9 V. Mazorchuk: Parabolic category O for classical Lie superalgebras.- 10 E. Poletaeva: On Kostant’s Theorem for Lie superalgebras.- 11 V. Serganova: Classical Lie superalgebras at infinity.- 12 D. Valeri: Classical W-algebras within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras.- 13 J. van Ekeren: Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Odd Trace Functions.- 14 R. Zhang: Serre presentations of Lie superalgebras.