Ricardo Marqués is a Professor in the Departamento de
Electrónica y Electromagnetismo at the Universidad de Sevilla
in Spain.
Ferran Martín is a Professor in the Departament
d”Enginyeria Electr?nica at the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona in
Mario Sorolla is a Professor in the Departamento de
Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica at the Universidad
Pública de Navarra in Spain.
Professors Marqués, Martín, and Sorolla have coauthored
more than fifty research works in the field of metamaterials,
published in relevant journals and conference proceedings, and have
been responsible for various domestic and international projects.
They hold several patents related to metamaterial applications.
2 Ebooki wg Mario Sorolla
Ricardo Marques & Ferran Martin: Metamaterials with Negative Parameters
The first general textbook to offer a complete overview of metamaterial theory and its microwave applications Metamaterials with Negative Parameters represents the only unified treatment of metamater …
Ricardo Marques & Ferran Martin: Metamaterials with Negative Parameters
The first general textbook to offer a complete overview of metamaterial theory and its microwave applications Metamaterials with Negative Parameters represents the only unified treatment of metamater …