ROGER GRIFFIN is Professor of Modern History at the Oxford Brookes University and edits the Routledge quarterly,
Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. He has numerous articles and chapters on generic fascism, as well as editing three major anthologies of documentary texts:
Fascism (OUP, 1995),
International Fascism (Arnold, 1998) and the five volume (with Matthew Feldman)
Fascism: Critical Concepts (Routledge, 2004). His two monographs are
The Nature of Fascism (Pinter, 1991) and
Modernism and Fascism (Palgrave, 2007).
MATTHEW FELDMAN is Lecturer in Twentieth Century History at the University of Northampton and edits the Routledge quarterly,
Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. He has written widely on European modernism as well as interwar politics and religion, and recently published
Beckett”s Books: A Cultural History of Samuel Beckett”s „Interwar Notes” (Continuum Press, 2006).
17 Ebooki wg Matthew Feldman
R. Griffin: A Fascist Century
Ten essays on the nature of fascism by a leading scholar in the field, focusing on how to understand and apply fascist ideology to various movements since the twentieth century, Mussolini’s prophesie …
David Addyman & Matthew Feldman: Samuel Beckett and BBC Radio
This book is the first sustained examination of Samuel Beckett’s pivotal engagements with post-war BBC radio. The BBC acted as a key interpreter and promoter of Beckett’s work during this crucial per …
Paul Jackson & Matthew Feldman: Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right since 1945
This timely intervention exposes the euphemized language of the extreme right as a Trojan Horse of deception to re-gain greater influence on public policy. Since the end of the Second World War, the …
Matthew Feldman & Karim Mamdani: Beckett/Philosophy
This collection of essays, most of which return to or renew something of an empirical or archival approach to the issues, represents the most comprehensive analysis of Beckett’s relationship to philo …
Matthew Feldman: Falsifying Beckett
The dozen essays brought together here, alongside a newly-written introduction, contextualize and exemplify the recent ’empirical turn’ in Beckett studies. Characterized, above all, by recourse to ma …
Erik Tonning: Art in Battle
The exhibition ART IN BATTLE deals with battles over art initiated by Nazi policies and European conquests on several arenas. Expounding the problems of the overfamiliar dichotomy of “Degenerate“ ver …
Anthony Barron: Against Reason
Anthony Barron explores the relationship between the philosophy of Schopenhauer and the forms and themes of Beckett’s critical and creative writings. He shows that Beckett’s aesthetic preoccupations …
William Allchorn: Tracking the Rise of the Radical Right Globally
2018 was a tumultuous year in global politics. Starting with the rise of the Lega Nord in Italy and ending with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, it has never been such a pertinent time to st …
Matthew Feldman & Tudor Georgescu: Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe
This edited volume arose from an international workshop convened in 2006 by Feldman and Turda with Tudor Georgescu, supported by Routledge, and the universities of Oxford, Brookes, Northampton and CE …
Matthew Feldman & Tudor Georgescu: Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe
This edited volume arose from an international workshop convened in 2006 by Feldman and Turda with Tudor Georgescu, supported by Routledge, and the universities of Oxford, Brookes, Northampton and CE …
Steven Barfield & Dr Matthew Feldman: Beckett and Death
Death is indisputably central to Beckett”s writing and reception. This collection of research considers a number of Beckett”s poems, novels, plays and short stories through considerations of …
Dr Matthew Feldman & Dr Ulrika Maude: Beckett and Phenomenology
Existentialism and poststructuralism have provided the two main theoretical approaches to Samuel Beckett”s work. These influential philosophical movements, however, owe a great debt to the phenomeno …
Dr Matthew Feldman & Dr Henry Mead: Broadcasting in the Modernist Era
The era of literary modernism coincided with a dramatic expansion of broadcast media throughout Europe, which challenged avant-garde writers with new modes of writing and provided them with a global …
Matthew Feldman: Politics, Intellectuals, and Faith
This wide-ranging collection of academic essays examines the various undertakings by modern intellectuals and ideologues in the process of propaganda and political debate. Matthew Feldman calls atten …
Eviane Leidig: Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right
2019 was a defining year for the radical right globally. From national and supranational elections that witnessed a surge in support for radical right parties to transnationally-inspired terrorist at …
Anna Svendsen & Erik Tonning: Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives
Providing a broad, definitive account of how the 'archival turn’ in humanities scholarship has shaped modernist studies, this book also functions as an ongoing 'practitioner’s toolkit’ (including use …
Anna Svendsen & Erik Tonning: Bloomsbury Handbook of Modernist Archives
Providing a broad, definitive account of how the 'archival turn’ in humanities scholarship has shaped modernist studies, this book also functions as an ongoing 'practitioner’s toolkit’ (including use …