Monsieur Pamplemousse finds himself in deep water when an unfortunate collision with a Mother Superior is caught on camera by the French tabloids. To avoid media attention, he is sent to report on chef André Dulac, currently in line for Le Guide's top award of the Golden Stock Pot Lid, and opens a can of worms which threatens the very sanctity of France's premier gastronomic bible.
Being on the verge of haute cuisine takes on a whole new meaning, and his attempt to get at the truth by harnessing a state-of-the-art TV camera to his ever-faithful hound Pommes Frites, ensures that outside broadcasting will never be quite the same again.
O autorze
Michael Bond was born in Newbury in 1926. In 1958, his first children's book, A Bear Called Paddington was published. In 1983 he started writing adult fiction, with his first tale featuring Monsieur Pamplemousse and his faithful bloodhound, Pommes Frites. He sadly passed away in June 2017.