Autor: Militza Callinan

Ivan Robertson is a professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor at UMIST in the UK. He is also the Director of the SHL/UMIST Research Centre in Work and Organisational Psychology. Militza Callinan is the editor of Organizational Effectiveness: The Role of Psychology, published by Wiley. Dave Bartram is Past President of the International Test Commission and is heading ITC projects on international guidelines for standards in test use and standards for computer-based testing and the Internet. He is Chair of the British Psychological Society”s Steering Committee on Test Standards and Convenor of the European Federation of Psychologists” Associations Standing Committee on Tests and Testing. He is President-Elect of the IAAP”s Division 2. He has published large numbers of popular, professional and academic articles and book chapters, and has been the Senior Editor of the BPS Test Reviews. He has been an editor or co-author of several works including the 1992, 1995 and 1997 BPS Reviews of Psychometric Tests; Organisational Effectiveness: the Role of Psychology (with Ivan Robertson and Militza Callinan, published in 2002 by Wiley) and the BPS Open Learning Programme for Level A (Occupational) Test Use (with Pat Lindley, published by BPS Blackwell in 1994).

1 Ebooki wg Militza Callinan

Ivan T. Robertson & Militza Callinan: Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational Effectiveness: The Role of Psychology examines psychological approaches in organizations, not from the more common perspective of their impact on individuals, but in relation to how th …