Autor: Nancy Scheper-Hughes

Loïc Wacquant is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Researcher at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, Paris. He is a Mac Arthur Foundation Fellow and recipient of the 2008 Lewis Coser Award of the American Sociological Association. His work spans urban inequality, ethnoracial domination, the penal state, embodiment, and social theory and the politics of reason. He is a founder and past editor of the interdisciplinary journal Ethnography and was a regular contributor to Le Monde Diplomatique for a decade. Wacquant′s books have been translated in some dozen languages and include Body and Soul: Ethnographic Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer (2004), Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality (2008), Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity (2009), Prisons of Poverty (2009), and Deadly Symbiosis: Race and the Rise of the Penal State (forthcoming).

7 Ebooki wg Nancy Scheper-Hughes

Nancy Scheper-Hughes & Loïc Wacquant: Commodifying Bodies
Increasingly the body is a possession that does not belong to us. It is bought and sold, bartered and stolen, marketed wholesale or in parts. The professions – especially reproductive medicine, trans …
Javier Auyero & Philippe Bourgois: Violence at the Urban Margins
In the Americas, debates around issues of citizen’s public safety–from debates that erupt after highly publicized events, such as the shootings of Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, to those that recu …
Javier Auyero & Philippe Bourgois: Violence at the Urban Margins
In the Americas, debates around issues of citizen’s public safety–from debates that erupt after highly publicized events, such as the shootings of Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, to those that recu …
Nancy Scheper-Hughes & Loic Wacquant: Commodifying Bodies
Increasingly the body is a possession that does not belong to us. It is bought and sold, bartered and stolen, marketed wholesale or in parts. The professions – especially reproductive medicine, trans …
Nancy Scheper-Hughes: Child Survival
of older children, adults, and the family unit as a whole. These moral evaluations are, in turn, influenced by such external contingencies as popula- tion demography, social and economic factors, sub …
Walter E. A. van Beek & William C. Olsen: Evil in Africa
William C. Olsen, Walter E. A. van Beek, and the contributors to this volume seek to understand how Africans have confronted evil around them. Grouped around notions of evil as a cognitive or experie …
Nancy Scheper-Hughes: Death Without Weeping
When lives are dominated by hunger, what becomes of love? When assaulted by daily acts of violence and untimely death, what happens to trust? Set in the lands of Northeast Brazil, this is an account …