14 Ebooki wg Nick Broten
Nick Broten: An Analysis of Thomas Robert Malthus”s An Essay on the Principle of Population
Thomas Robert Malthus’ 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population helped change the direction of economics, politics, and the natural sciences with its reasoning and problem solving. The central topic …
Nick Broten: Analysis of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Thomas Piketty is a fine example of an evaluative thinker. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, he not only provides detailed and sustained explanations of why he sees existing arguments relating …
Nick Broten & Janna Miletzki: An Analysis of Amartya Sen”s Development as Freedom
Amartya Sen uses his 1999 work Development as Freedom to evaluate the processes and outcomes of economic development. Having come to the conclusion that development is best summed up as the expansion …
Nick Broten & Yaamina Salman: An Analysis of John P. Kotter”s Leading Change
John P. Kotter’s Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail is a classic of business literature, and an example of high-level analysis and evaluation. In critical thinking, analysis is all about …
Nick Broten: An Analysis of C.L.R. James”s The Black Jacobins
Today we take it for granted that history is much more than the story of great men and the elites from which they spring. Other forms of history – the histories of gender, class, rebellion and noncon …
Nick Broten & David Linden: An Analysis of Friedrich Hayek”s The Road to Serfdom
Friedrich Hayek’s 1944 Road to Serfdom is a classic of conservative economic argument. While undeniably a product of a specific time in global politics – which saw the threat of fascism from Nazi Ger …
Nick Broten & John Collins: An Analysis of Milton Friedman”s The Role of Monetary Policy
Milton Friedman was one of the most influential economists of all time – and his ideas had a huge impact on the economic policies of governments across the world. A key theorist of capitalism and its …
Nick Broten: An Analysis of Thomas Robert Malthus”s An Essay on the Principle of Population
Thomas Robert Malthus’ 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population helped change the direction of economics, politics, and the natural sciences with its reasoning and problem solving. The central topic …
Nick Broten: Analysis of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Thomas Piketty is a fine example of an evaluative thinker. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, he not only provides detailed and sustained explanations of why he sees existing arguments relating …
Nick Broten & Janna Miletzki: An Analysis of Amartya Sen”s Development as Freedom
Amartya Sen uses his 1999 work Development as Freedom to evaluate the processes and outcomes of economic development. Having come to the conclusion that development is best summed up as the expansion …
Nick Broten & Yaamina Salman: An Analysis of John P. Kotter”s Leading Change
John P. Kotter’s Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail is a classic of business literature, and an example of high-level analysis and evaluation. In critical thinking, analysis is all about …
Nick Broten: An Analysis of C.L.R. James”s The Black Jacobins
Today we take it for granted that history is much more than the story of great men and the elites from which they spring. Other forms of history – the histories of gender, class, rebellion and noncon …
Nick Broten & David Linden: An Analysis of Friedrich Hayek”s The Road to Serfdom
Friedrich Hayek’s 1944 Road to Serfdom is a classic of conservative economic argument. While undeniably a product of a specific time in global politics – which saw the threat of fascism from Nazi Ger …
Nick Broten & John Collins: An Analysis of Milton Friedman”s The Role of Monetary Policy
Milton Friedman was one of the most influential economists of all time – and his ideas had a huge impact on the economic policies of governments across the world. A key theorist of capitalism and its …