Octavio Paz is one of the most recognized Latin American writers. His essays offer a sophisticated critique of global modernity. Although his work has advanced many of the arguments that orient our contemporary debates in the social sciences and in philosophy, it has hardly ever been seriously taken into consideration in these disciplines. The volume suggests that this may have been a mistake. Its authors indicate ways in which Paz’ essays can be read as substantial contributions to the contemporary debates in various fields. The aim of this book is to present to a non-Spanish speaking audience some of the discussions about Paz’ offerings to the ongoing debates. It also wants to make a clear statement: a critique of our contemporary modernity must go hand in hand with a non-exclusive intercultural understanding of Humanism.
O autorze
Oliver Kozlarek (Dr. phil., Dr. en Humanidades) lehrt und forscht am »Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas« der Universidad Michoacana in Morelia, Mexiko. Als Gastwissenschaftler war er u.a. an der New School for Social Research (New York), der Universidad de Buenos Aires, der TU Chemnitz, der Stanford University und dem Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut in Essen tätig.