Ormond Rush is a priest of the diocese of Townsville, Australia, with a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He currently lectures at St Paul’s Theological College, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane Campus. His publications include Still Interpreting Vatican II: Some Hermeneutical Principles (New York: Paulist Press, 2004) and The Eyes of Faith: The Sense of the Faithful and the Church’s Reception of Revelation (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009).
2 Ebooki wg Ormond Rush
Ormond Rush & James Hawkey: Walking Together on the Way
The first agreed of the third phase of the ARCIC since 2005, the Commission asks what Anglicans and Catholics cstatement an learn from one another to cooperate toward communion. …
Ormond Rush: The Vision of Vatican II
2020 Catholic Press Association first place award, theology–theological and philosophical studies This book is unique in the literature about Vatican II. From the manifold issues debated at the coun …