Spis treści
Preface.- Organization.- Committees.- OR, Modelling and Simulation.- Mixed-Model Sequencing Problem improving labour conditions, by J. Bautista, R. Alfaro, C. Batalla, S.M. Llovera.- A Heuristic Approach for Integrated Storage and Shelf-Space Allocation, by N. Esmaili, B.A. Norman, J. Rajgopal.- Evaluation of Pull Control Strategies and Production Authorisation Card Policies Recovery Period in a Multi-Product System, by C.E. Onyeocha, J. Khoury, J. Geraghty.- Smart decision in industrial site selection: what´s new in the case of a steel mill in Brazil?, by A. Gomes, C. Cosenza.- Dynamic multi-objective maximal covering location problem with gradual coverage, by M. Forghani Youshanlo, R. Sahraeian.- Logistics, Production and Information Systems.- Drivers and stages in “Packaging Logistics”. An analysis in the food sector, by J. García-Arca, J.C. Prado-Prado, A.T. González-Portela Garrido.- A tabu search approach for production and sustainable routing planning decisions for inbound logistics in an automotive supply chain, by D. Peidro, M. Díaz-Madroñero, J. Mula, A. Navalón.- Clothing industry: main challenges in the supply chain management of value brand retailers, by S. Martínez, A. Errasti, M. Rudberg, M. Mediavilla.- Structural Equation Modeling for Analyzing the Barriers and Benefits of E-procurement, by Peral Toktaş-Palut, Ecem Baylav, Seyhan Teoman, Mustafa Altunbey.- Ergonomic Risk Minimisation in Assembly Line Balancing, by J. Bautista, C. Batalla, R. Alfaro.- Reverse Logistics Barriers: An Analysis Using Interpretive Structural Modeling, by M. Bouzon, K. Govindan, C.M.T. Rodriguez.- Mixed trips in the school bus routing problem with public subsidy, by P. Aparicio, J. Muñuzuri, J. Guadix.- Analysis of the criteria used by organizations in supplier selection, by J.I. Moliné, A.M. Coves, A. Rubio.- Event Monitoring Software Application for Production Planning Systems, by A. Boza, B. Cortes, M.M.E. Alemany, E. Vicens.- Optimization of Public Transport Services in Small and Medium Size Towns. A Case Study on Spain, by Elvira Maeso González, Juan Carlos Carrasco Giménez.- Methodology to manage Make-to-order and Make-to-stock decisions in an electronic component plant, by J. Maheut, D. Rey, J.P. Garcia-Sabater.- Effects of the Implementation of Antequera Dry Port in Export and Import Flows, by G. González, M. Olmo, E. Maeso.- An Iterative Stochastic Approach Estimating the Completion Times of Automated Material Handling Jobs, by Gunwoo Cho, Jaewoo Chung.- Strategy and Enterpreneurship.- Transportation Infrastructure and Econonomic Growth Spillovers, by H. F. Moralles, D. A. N. Rebelatto.- Influence of the environmental factors in the creation, development and consolidation of university spin-offs in the Basque Country, by E. Zarrabeitia Bilbao, P. Ruiz de Arbulo López, P. Díaz de Basurto Uraga.- Conceptual Model for Associated Costs of the Internationalisation of Operations, by Ángeles Armengol, Josefa Mula, Manuel Díaz-Madroñero, Joel Pelkonen.- Relations between Costs and Characteristics of a Process. A Simulation Study, by J. Fortuny Santos, P. Ruiz de Arbulo López, M. Zarraga Rodríguez.- Critical Success Factors on implementation of CEM (Customer Experience Management) through Extended Marketing Mix, by A. Arineli, H. Quintella.- Financing Urban Growth In Aging Societies: Modelling The Equity Release Schemes In The Welfare Mix For Older Persons, by David Bogataj, Diego Ros-Mc Donnell, Marija Bogataj.- Sustainable Urban Growth in Aging Regions: Delivering a Value to the Community, by D. Bogataj, D. Ros Mc Donnell, A. Temeljotov Salaj, M. Bogataj.- The role of the entrepreneur of the New Technology-based Firm (NTBF), by J.A. Torrecilla García, A.G. Skotnicka, E. Maeso González.- Quality and Product Management.- Increasing Production and Minimizing Costs during Machining by control of Tool’s Wears and or Damages, by N. Coppini, I. Santos.- Impact of 5S on productivity, quality, organizational climate and IS at Tecniaguas S.A.S, by P. Martínez, N. Rincon, D. Fuentes.- Structuring a portfolio for selecting and prioritizing textile products, by M J. Loos, P. A. Cauchick-Miguel.- Methodology for evaluating the requirements of customers in a metalworking company automotive ISO/TS 16949 certified, by G. Guimarães, R. Oliveira, L. Duarte, M. Vieira Junior, D. Galeazzi.- Improving Resilience and Performance of Organizations Using Environment, Health & Safety Management Systems. An empirical Study in a Multinational Company, by B. Seixas, M. Grijalvo, G. Morales-Alonso.- Knowledge and Project Management.- Effectiveness of construction safety programme elements, by A.López-Arquillos, J.C. Rubio-Romero, J. Carillo-Castrillo, M. Suarez-Cebador.- Operational issues for the hybrid wind-diesel systems: Lessons learnt from the San Cristobal Wind Project, by Y. Hu, M. Grijalvo, M.J. Sánchez, P. Solana.- Points of convergence between Knowledge Management and Agile Methodologies in Information Technology (IT), by E.B. Vaz, , M.C.D. Freitas.- Recent advances in patent analysis network, by J. Gavilanes-Trapote, R. Río-Belver, E. Cilleruelo, J. Larruscain.- Information enclosing knowledge networks. A study of social relations, by L. Sáiz-Bárcena, J.I. Díez-Pérez, M.A. Manzanedo del Campo, R. Del Olmo Martínez.- Service Systems.- Cost System under Uncertainty: A Case Study in the Imaging Area of a Hospital, by V. Jimenez, C. Duarte, P.Afonso.- Innovation in consulting firms: an area to explore, by I. Lemus-Aguilar, A. Hidalgo.- Innovation Capability and the feeling of being an innovative organization, by M. Zárraga-Rodríguez, M.J.Álvarez.- Minimizing Carbon-footprint of Municipal Waste Separate Collection Systems, by G. Caponio, G. D’Alessandro, S. Digiesi, G. Mossa, G. Mummolo, R. Verriello.- A MILP model for the Strategic Capacity Planning in consultancy, by C. Martínez-Costa, M. Mateo, A. Lusa.- Forecasting the Big Services Era: Novel Approach Combining Statistical Methods, Expertise and Technology Roadmapping, by I. Bildosola, R. Rio-Bélver, E. Cilleruelo.