Autor: Patricia Sitlington

Dr. Richard C. Lombard is a Professor of Special Education at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He has authored or co-authored over forty articles in professional journals with an emphasis on transition assessment, vocational evaluation, community based transition models, and inclusion. Dr. Lombard served as President of the International Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) in 1999-2000. He currently serves as the Sweden Exchange Coordinator for UW-Whitewater and Umea University in Umea, Sweden. His international service includes work in Sweden, Australia, Nepal, India and Trinidad.

1 Ebooki wg Patricia Sitlington

Debra Neubert & Wynne Begun: Assess for Success
’Makes a distinct contribution to the field, addressing a critical area of responsibility for schools under IDEA 2004.’ —Gary Clark, Professor of Special Education University of Kansas 'Will become a …