Provides a modern presentation that eliminates the seven limitations of past and present engineering economics texts:
* Contains the 12-FACTOR Calculator, an Excel spreadsheet designed by author to provide the values of the 12 factors of engineering economics for arbitrary values of i, g ( ), and N
* Contains the ANNUAL and PRESENT WORTH COMPARISON Calculators with Component Replacements forcomparing equipment purchase quotations
* Defines quasi-simple investments and presents a Step-by-Step procedure for calculating their IRRs and balances
* Presents a classification of the four common non-simple investments and provides Step-by-Step procedures for calculating their IRRs and balances
* Compares the different profitability measures for the same investment: pretax IRR, aftertax IRR, aftertax sensitivity analysis, net present value, accounting rate of return, benefit-cost ratio, and payback period
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Paul Marnell, Eng.Sc.D. (Columbia University) is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Manhattan College with 25 years of experience teaching engineering economics and chemical plant design. His doctoral thesis was 'A Theoretical Evaluation of the Persistence of Hydrodynamic Lubrication in the Hip Joint During Walking, ’ which was funded by Orthopedic Research Associates. Dr. Marnell attended the Oak Ridge School of (Nuclear) Reactor Technology (ORSORT) under the sponsorship of the Foster Wheeler Corporation. He has 15 years of multi-industry experience that includes: (1) Nuclear engineering positions at Foster Wheeler, Nuclear Development Associates, and Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. (2) Interim U.S. representative for Lurgi’s coal gasification process. (3) Manager of Lurgi’s U.S. Environmental Projects, the first of which was the Lurgi Sulfacid plant built for the United States Steel Corporation at Neville Island, PA. (4) Consultant to and summer employee of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) where he initiated their coal-water fuel program and wrote several reports and presented papers describing it.