Most of us have become accustomed to the constant preaching and teaching of guilt and condemnation. This slowly but surely pulls our eyes off of the loveliness of the finished work and onto the unfinished areas of our lives.
We know that we are flawed; we don’t need someone screaming at us to figure that out. Our problem is not the absence of knowledge that we need help. Rather, it is the utter inability to help ourselves. Calvary was God’s intervention in all of our issues. By relieving us of the punishment of sin, He is freeing us from the weight of guilt and the fear of death. The author of Hebrews said that when Jesus died, He did so to 'deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage’ (Hebrews 2:15). Jesus has delivered us from fear of eternal punishment by being punished in our place!
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Paul White is the founder of Paul White Ministries and is a pastor to pastors, having pastored for over a decade. Pastor Paul’s online podcasts and daily devotions are listened to and read by an international audience through his website, Paul and his wife Na Tasha reside in Castaic, California, with their children, Lukas and Lauren.