Autor: Per K. Solvang

Jaber F. Gubrium is professor of sociology at the University of Missouri. His most recent books are Turning Troubles into Problems: Clientization in Human Services (2014) and The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research (2012).Tone Alm Andreassen is professor and head of research for the interdisciplinary program in care, health, and welfare at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Per Koren Solvang is professor of rehabilitation at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.

1 Ebooki wg Per K. Solvang

Tone Andreassen & Jaber Gubrium: Reimagining the Human Service Relationship
The traditional lines of demarcation between service providers and service users are shifting. Professionals in managed service organizations are working to incorporate the voices of service users in …