Autor: Peter Flaschel

Peter Flaschel geboren 1943 in Zittau / Sachsen. Promotion in Mathematik, Universität Bonn. Habilitation in Wirtschaftstheorie, Freie Universität Berlin. Professor für Wirtschaftstheorie an der Freien Universität Berlin und an der Universität Bielefeld. Theodor Heuss Professor an der New School University in New York (2006). In 207/8 ‘Opus Magnum’ Förderung durch die Fritz Thyssen / Volkswagen Stiftung.  Gangolf Groh geboren 1964 in Trier. Diplom und Promotion in Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Bielefeld. Im Anschluss wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Vertretung der Professur von Peter Flaschel an der Universität Bielefeld (`Opus Magnum’ Förderungsprogramm) in 2007/8, seitdem an gleichem Ort tätig als Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben. Hans-Martin Krolzig geboren 1964 in Gelsenkirchen. Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Bielefeld sowie der Geschichte und Sozialwissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Promotion an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Forschung an der University of Oxford, Associated Member und Research Fellow des Nuffield College von 1995 bis 2003. Vertretung der Professur von Helmut Lütkepohl an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Seit 2004, Professor of Economics an der University of Kent zu Canterbury. Research Fellow des  Instituts für Makroökonomie und Konjunktur der Hans Boeckler Stiftung. Christian Proaño geboren 1980 in Quito, Ecuador. Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Katholischen Universität Ecuadors (PUCE) und an der Universität Bielefeld, mit anschließender Promotion 2008. 2008-2010 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK). Seit 2010 Assistant Professor of Economics an der New School for Social Research in New York, NY.

26 Ebooki wg Peter Flaschel

Peter Flaschel & Gangolf Groh: Topics in Applied Macrodynamic Theory
This book is about the study of topics in macro dynamics from an applied, empirical perspective. The modeling philosophy behind most of the chapters ofthisbookisof Keynesiannature, …
Peter Flaschel: The Macrodynamics of Capitalism
This book provides an introduction to advanced macrodynamics, viewed as a di- quilibriumtheoryof?uctuatinggrowth. Itbuildsonanearlierattempttoreformulate 1 the foundations of macroeconomics from the …
Peter Flaschel: Topics in Classical Micro- and Macroeconomics
This book on Classical micro- and macrodynamics includes revised versions of papers which were written between 1983 and 2000, some jointly with co-authors, and it supplements them with recent work on …
Peter Flaschel & Gangolf Groh: Keynesianische Makroökonomik
In dem Lehrbuch zur makroökonomischen Theorie werden die Einkommens-, Zins- und Beschäftigungstheorie, die Analyse von Inflation und Unterbeschäftigung sowie die Wachstumstheorie durchgängig aus …
Peter Flaschel & Alfred Greiner: Flexicurity Capitalism
An intense debate has played out in recent years regarding how to implement a so-called "flexicurity system"-a labor market reform that combines flexibility, particularly in the hiring and …
Carl Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
The financial instability and its spillover to the real sector have become a great challenge to macro-economic theory. The book takes a Keynesian theoretical perspective, representing an attempt to …
Peter Flaschel & Michael Landesmann: Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism
Richard Goodwin was a pioneer in the use of mathematical tools to understand the dynamics of capitalist economies. This book contains contributions which focus on the rigorous extension of Goodwin’s …
Peter Flaschel & Michael Landesmann: Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism
Richard Goodwin was a pioneer in the use of mathematical tools to understand the dynamics of capitalist economies. This book contains contributions which focus on the rigorous extension of Goodwin’s …
Toichiro Asada & Carl Chiarella: Monetary Macrodynamics
This book investigates the interaction of effective goods demand with the wage-price spiral, and the impact of monetary policy on financial and the real markets from a Keynesian perspective. …
Toichiro Asada & Carl Chiarella: Monetary Macrodynamics
This book investigates the interaction of effective goods demand with the wage-price spiral, and the impact of monetary policy on financial and the real markets from a Keynesian perspective. …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
The financial instability and its spillover to the real sector have become a great challenge to macro-economic theory. The book takes a Keynesian theoretical perspective, representing an attempt to r …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
The financial instability and its spillover to the real sector have become a great challenge to macro-economic theory. The book takes a Keynesian theoretical perspective, representing an attempt to r …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter (Bielefeld University, Germany) Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 2
This book represents the second of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment proce …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter (Bielefeld University, Germany) Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 2
This book represents the second of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment proce …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter (Bielefeld University, Germany) Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 1
This book represents the first of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment proces …
Carl (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Chiarella & Peter (Bielefeld University, Germany) Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 1
This book represents the first of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment proces …
Carl Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 3
This book represents the third of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment …
Carl Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 3
This book represents the third of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment …
Toichiro Asada & Carl Chiarella: Open Economy Macrodynamics
In the first part of this book, we treat interacting and small open economies. We do this from an historical perspective, starting from the Classical model of the gold standard and the specie-flow …
Peter Flaschel & Gangolf Groh: Keynesianische Makroökonomik
Das einzige Lehrbuch, das die makroökonomische Theorie durchgängig aus keynesianischer Sicht betrachtet: Einkommens-, Beschäftigungs- und Wachstumstheorie, Analyse von Inflation und Unterbeschäftigun …
Carl Chiarella & Peter Flaschel: Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics
In this book on disequilibrium, growth and labor market dynamics we take predominantly a macroeconomic perspective. We present a working model that can easily be varied in different directions in …