Have you ever looked out of the window and thought to yourself, ’Wouldn’t it be amazing to just get on the next flight out of here and travel the world?’
Well, the good news is you can do just that if you’re brave enough to let go of your excuses and make the most of your life. By pulling apart all the things that hold us back, world-traveler Philipp Gloeckl will take you on an exhilarating journey towards your heart’s most desired, most sought-after travel dreams.
The NO EXCUSE Travel Book is a blueprint for harnessing the magic of travel and wanderlust in everyday life.
Discover the truth about creating a successful travel vision and bucket list, learn how easy it is to make international travel affordable, find out who to rely on for the best advice and, most importantly, embrace the right mindset to stop holding yourself back so that you too can get on the next flight to anywhere and jump on a fulfilling adventure.
When you embrace positive thinking, mix it with strategic planning and throw in your wildest dreams, you become the captain of your own experience. The destination is the journey, and the only limit is the power of your own imagination!
Get ready for your next trip around the globe!
The world is yours.