Autor: Pieter E. Vermaas

Maarten Franssen is associate professor at the Section of Philosophy at Delft University of Technology. His research interests include the relation between philosophy of technology and philosophy of science, the nature of normativity in relation to artefacts and their use, the metaphysics of artefacts, the analysis of technology as concerned with instrumental and sociotechnical systems, and the analysis of design as decision-making and its problems. Pieter Vermaas is associate professor at the Department of Philosophy at Delft University of Technology. His research in the philosophy of technology includes analyses of the concepts of technical function and of technical artefacts, and more recently the study of the structure, aims, and validation of design methods and design thinking. He co-edits the journal Design Science, and edits two book series: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, and Design Research Foundations. Peter Kroes is full professor at the Department of Philosophy of Technology at Delft University of Technology. His main interests in the field of the philosophy of technology are the dual nature of technical artefacts and the philosophy of engineering design. He is one of the co-editors of the book on the empirical turn in the philosophy of technology. Anthonie Meijers is full professor at the Department of Philosophy and Ethics of Eindhoven University of Technology. His main interests in the field of the philosophy of technology are the theory of artefacts, agency and artefacts, and the epistemology of technology. He is one of the co-editors of the book on the empirical turn in the philosophy of technology and the editor in chief of the Handbook Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences (2009).

10 Ebooki wg Pieter E. Vermaas

Pieter E. Vermaas & P.A. Kroes: Philosophy and Design
This volume provides the reader with an integrated overview of state-of-the-art research in philosophy and ethics of design in engineering and architecture. It contains twenty-five essays that focus …
Maarten Franssen & Peter Kroes: Artefact Kinds
This book is concerned with two intimately related topics of metaphysics: the identity of entities and the foundations of classification. What it adds to previous discussions of these topics is that …
Maarten Franssen & Pieter E. Vermaas: Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn
This volume features 16 essays on the philosophy of technology that discuss its identity, its position in philosophy in general, and the role of empirical studies in philosophical analyses of enginee …
Pieter E. Vermaas & Stéphane Vial: Advancements in the Philosophy of Design
This volume presents 25 essays on the philosophy of design. With contributions originating from philosophy and design research, and from product design to architecture, it gives a rich spectrum of st …
Wybo Houkes & Pieter E. Vermaas: Technical Functions
This book is about the functions of technical artefacts, material objects made to serve practical purposes; objects ranging from tablets of Aspirin to Concorde, from wooden clogs to nuclear submarine …
Dennis Dieks & Pieter E. Vermaas: Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
According to the modal interpretation, the standard mathematical framework of quantum mechanics specifies the physical magnitudes of a system, which have definite values. Probabilities are assigned t …
Michael Nagenborg & Taylor Stone: Technology and the City
The contributions in this volume map out how technologies are used and designed to plan, maintain, govern, demolish, and destroy the city. The chapters demonstrate how urban technologies shape, and a …
Peter Kroes & Ulrich Krohs: Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds
Investigations into the relationship between organism and artifacts from the perspective of functionality.The notion of function is an integral part of thinking in both biology and technology; biolog …
Pieter E. Vermaas & Ibo van de Poel: Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design
This handbook enumerates every aspect of incorporating moral and societal values into technology design, reflects the fact that the latter has moved on from strict functionality to become sensitive t …
Anja Maier & Josef Oehmen: Handbook of Engineering Systems Design
This handbook charts the new engineering paradigm of engineering systems. It brings together contributions from leading thinkers in the field and discusses the design, management and enabling policy …