Autor: Piyoosh Rautela

Having done masters in Applied Geology from the University of Allahabad, Piyoosh Rautela persued his doctoral work at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun. Geological fieldworks in the Himalayan terrain took him close to the ground realities at the grassroots level and the burning desire to contribute something positively towards improving the quality of life of the masses and deteriorating environment of the Himalayan region brought him in the contact of various voluntary groups working towards this end in the region. He has been actively associated with ENDS Dehradun and TFL/HIMCON Ranichauri tor the previous four years and has contributed extensively at the; grassroots level in the field of water and watershed management. Fruits of his hard labour are reflected in Lawadhar and Paturi watersheds of Chamba block of Tehri Garhwal. His environmental pursuits do not deter him from contributing in the scientific field and he has worked extensively on GIS based landslide and environmental hazard assessment, palaeoclimate and structural geology. He is at present engaged in an independent short-term research assignment of the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India) at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun.

3 Ebooki wg Piyoosh Rautela

Piyoosh Rautela: Water Resources in the Himalayas Harvesting, Tradition and Change
Written to highlight the water related problems of the Himalayan region the book is organised in such a manner that the reader is exposed to the ground-realities in the Himalaya through a series of c …
M. L. Dewan & Piyoosh Rautela: People’s Movement for Himalayan Rejuvenation:(Concept’s Discovering Himalayas Series No. 4)
The genesis of the book 'People’s Participation in Himalayan Ecosystem Development was being nurtured in the author’s mind for a number of years during the field-work in the Himalayas by the author a …
Lalta Prasad & Piyoosh Rautela: Growth of a Small Town: A Sociological Study of Ballia (U.P.)
Main objective in this study is to make a sociological analysis of the trends and factors in the Growth of Ballia town during the period 1951-74. The year 1951 was chosen as the base year because it …