Dr. G. S. Saharan, Ph. D., renowned educationalist, plant pathologist, has contributed in the diverse fields of Plant Pathology including standardization of artificial inoculation techniques, identification of resistance sources, pathogenic variability, genetics of host-parasite interaction, epidemiology and management of several diseases. He has about 250 publications in refereed journals, 6 books and supervised over 11 M Sc/ Ph D students. Prof. Saharan is internationally recognized, a visiting Professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (1991 and 1994), Saskatoon Research Station, Canada (1991, 1994, 1997) and Rothamsted Research, UK (1994, 1997). He has been on the panel of Experts of SAUs, ICAR, CSIR, UGC and DBT in India.
Dr. P. R. Verma, Ph. D., a legendary Oilseeds Plant Pathologist, has made immense contributions to the fundamental and applied aspects of Plant Pathology especially pioneered the work on development of a reproducible technique for germination of oospores of Albugo candida, a detached-leaf-culture technique for growing A.candida, a technique to produce stag-heads in artificially inoculated plants. He contributed immensely in identifying source of resistance, evaluation of fungicides, maintenance of races, determining effects of abiotic factors on disease development and development and licensing of world’s first white rust resistant Brassica rapa cultivar Tobin (1980) in Canada. He has published about 250 scientific papers and is the recipient of Fellow (2003), Honourary Fellow (2009) and “RATNA” award by ISMPP and the Life Time Achievement Award (2012) by SRMR. Dr. Verma initiated and founded P.R. Verma M Sc/ Ph D students and Smt. Guman Devi Verma Memorial Best Woman Scientist Awards organized by the ISMPP.
Dr. P. D. Meena, Ph. D., is presently working as Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology) at Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research (ICAR), Bharatpur, India. He has made important contributions tothe various aspects such as resistance, epidemiology, forecasting, biocontrol for the management of rapeseed-mustard diseases. He has published about 60 research papers, a book and has supervised 9 M. Sc. and co-supervised a Ph. D. student. He has been honored with Fellow of ISMPP, PPAI and Dr PR Kumar Outstanding Brassica Scientist Award (2011) by the SRMR and Best Worker- Scientist for 2012-13 by DRMR.
Dr. Arvind Kumar, Ph.D., is internationally recognized and presently working as Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR, New Delhi, and took innovative measures towards education quality and reforms and strengthening of higher agricultural education in India. He has been the Principal Investigator of Oilseed Project at Pantnagar and coordinated crop improvement programme on rapeseed-mustard at DRMR, Bharatpur, India. It resulted in development of 40 varieties of oilseed Brassica suited for different agro-climatic zone since 2002. He has been a leader of the development of first mustard hybrid based on Mori Cytoplasmic Male Sterility system, two international projects on Brassica improvement in India and genetic enhancement for biotic and abiotic stresses. Developed 3 Indian mustard (NRCDR-2, NRCHB-101, NRCDR-601) and a Yellow Sarson (NRCYS-5-2) varieties and also involved in development of first national variety of mustard – Kranti and PT 303 of Toria. He has published about 300 scientific papers, 8 books and supervised over 40 MSc / Ph D students.
9 Ebooki wg Prabhu Dayal Meena
Govind Singh Saharan & Prithwi Raj Verma: White Rust of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Management
White rust caused by the fungus Albugo is the most devastating disease known to occur in more than 50 countries and infects about 400 plant species belonging to 31 families worldwide including import …
Gobind Singh Saharan & Naresh Mehta: Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management
This book deals with the various aspects viz., the disease, geographical distribution, symptoms on different hosts, host range, yield losses, and disease assessment method, while detailed description …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh Mehta: Downy Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management
The book reviews key developments in downy mildew research, including the disease, its distribution, symptomatology, host range, yield losses, and disease assessment; the pathogen, its taxonomy, morp …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh K. Mehta: Powdery Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management
Powdery mildew disease is the fourth most widespread disease in cruciferous crops and a devastating effect, causing significant losses in terms of quality and quantity in rapeseed and mustard. …
Surinder S (ICAR-National Professor, Punjab Agricultural University, India) Banga & Arvind (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India) Kumar: Brassica Oilseeds : Breeding and Management
Oilseed brassicas are among the largest traded agricultural commodities and are grown in around fifty countries worldwide. Utilised for both consumption and bioenergy use, demand is increasing and th …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh K. Mehta: Clubroot Disease of Crucifers
The book is presenting a comprehensive information on fundamental, and applied knowledge of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin. infecting cruciferous crops, and weeds. Clubroot of crucifers h …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh K. Mehta: Molecular Mechanism of Crucifer’s Host-Resistance
The book is a comprehensive compilation of applied knowledge for developing resistant varieties to all the major biotrophs, hemibiotrophs and necrotrophs pathogens of crucifers through the use of lat …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh K. Mehta: Genomics of Crucifer’s Host-Resistance
The book presents comprehensive information on fundamental, and applied knowledge for developing varieties resistant individually as well as to all the major pathogens of crucifers, such as Albugo, A …
Govind Singh Saharan & Naresh K. Mehta: Genomics of Crucifer’s Host- Pathosystem
The book deals with latest research achievements of Brassica scientists using omics approaches in understanding host-pathogen interaction, molecular detection, identification, and functional characte …