Dr Prithvish Nag has been educated at Banaras Hindu University and at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He was the recipient Of a Gold Medal for obtaining a first class first in the MA. and M.Sc examinations in geography of B.H.U. in 1972. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree for his work on Zambian Settlements from the same university. In 1982, he won the Commonwealth Geographical Bursary on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Royal Geographical Society which helped him enlarge his work on Africa. Dr Nag has travelled widely and published several papers and chapters In journals and books of national and international importance. He has been a member of the Commission on Population Geography of the International Geographical Union and a Corresponding Member of the Commission on Census Mapping of the International Cartographic Association and also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Since 1976, he has been attached to the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation, Calcutta.
8 Ebooki wg Prithvish Nag
Prithvish Nag: Census Mapping Survey
Hinduism, a religious tradition of Indian origin, comprising the beliefs and practices of the Hindus. Some have compared Hinduism’s indifference to the history of a religious idea or practice to a sc …
Prithvish Nag & Smita Sengupta: Geographical Information System: Concepts and Business Oportunities
Islam came on the scene, with a message, philosophy and code of conduct, perfect by all means, with its advent, the new faith revolutionised the contemporary world in a very short span of time. It al …
Prithvish Nag: Population, Settlement and Development in Zambia
Local communities as users of localized natural resources tend to accumulate first hand knowledge about status and functioning of such resources. Such ever-growing store house of knowledge, at the lo …
Prithvish Nag & Smita Sengupta: Geography of India
This important work aims at analysing the level of nutritin and carrying capacity of agricultural and under existion level of land resource exploition for food production. It is directly related to t …
Prithvish Nag: Thematic Cartography and Remote Sensing
Thematic cartography has taken a place of a movement in India. Thematic maps and atlases are now being considered as an end product of a major academic, scientific and planning activities. Individual …
V. K. Kumra & Dr. Prithvish Nag: Frontiers in Environmental Geography
This case book exposes a selection of cases from Indian Public Administration situations for imparting next to life training and learning situations for practitioners. A constraint of the Indian syst …
Prithvish Nag & Amrita Paul: Global Depopulation and Redistribution by 2050 A.D.
Until recently, the world has been preoccupied with over-population, pressure on resources, alarming growth rates, fertility and unemployment. Issues like reduction in population growth rate, increas …
Prithvish Nag: Transformation of Survey of India
The Survey of India was established as Survey of Bengal in 1767, and the post of Surveyor General of India is one of the longest-standing scientific roles in the world. For more than 250 years, it ha …