When Rebecca Gold first heard 'Fire And Rain’ in her high school music class, she didn’t know who was behind the powerful lyrics and velvety smooth voice-she just knew that she finally felt understood. James Taylor’s music became a constant presence in her life for more than four decades, inspiring her to create the Facebook page Life with James Taylor as a home for what she calls her 'JTBFFs’ to connect with each other and share stories.
During the long months of COVID, Rebecca was again comforted by JT’s music and saw many other passionate fans were as well. She made it her mission to gather some of her favorites into a book.
The pieces collected here reveal the many ways that James Taylor and his music have touched his listeners. From seeking solace and healing through songs dealing with death and grief, to riding the waves of illness and recovery, to experiencing the sheer joy of seeing James in concert for the first time (or the fiftieth), these stories are full of hope, love, friendship and connection.
This anthology is a tribute and a 'Thank You’ to James Taylor, as well as an affirmation of our common humanity.
After all, that’s why we’re here.