Blessing is speaking God’s intentions or favour over someone or some situation. When we do that in faith, we activate God’s power to change a person (ourselves included), or a situation, from where they are now to where God wants them to be.
Every Christian has the authority and power to bless others in the name of the Lord and see lives and situations transformed. The power of a blessing is supernatural; it is the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, producing joy, peace, prosperity and fruitfulness; and providing health, success and protection.
In this small book, you will find out how blessing works and learn how to bless those who curse or provoke you; how to bless your spouse, your children, your home and yourself; how to bless your workplace, your land and your community – and even God Himself. You can change your world.
The Awesome Power of Blessing is available in 38 languages.
There are now 10, 000, 000 of Richard Brunton’s books in print (The Blessing Effect, The Awesome Power of Blessing and Anointed for Work ) and growing at a rate of 200, 000 per week. International translations available:
La Potenza Meravigliosa Della Benedizione: Puoi cambiare il tuo mondo (Italian)
La Formidable Puissance de la Bénédiction: Vous pouvez changer le monde (French)
De Ontzagwekkende Kracht van Zegenen (Dutch)
O Incrivel Poder da Bênção (Portugese)
El Asombroso Poder de la Bendición (Spanish)
Die wunderbare Kraft des Segnens (German)
Spis treści
Foreword 5 Introduction 9 Part One: Why Blessing 13 The Insight 15 The Power of Our Speaking 19 Moving from Good Speaking to Blessing 22
What is Christian Blessing? 24 Our Spiritual Authority 27 Part Two: How to Do It 33 Some Important Principles 35
Make a Clean Mouth a Lifestyle 35 Ask the Holy Spirit What to Say 35
Blessing as Distinct from Intercession 36
Don’t Judge 37 An Example to Illustrate 38
Different Situations We May Face 40
Blessing Those Who Revile or Curse You 40
Blessing Those Who Hurt or Reject You 41
Blessing Those Who Have Provoked You 44
Blessing, Instead of Cursing, Ourselves 47
Recognising and Breaking Curses 47
Blessing One’s Mouth 49 Blessing One’s Mind 50 Blessing Our Bodies 52
Blessing Your Home, Marriage and Children 56
A Father’s Blessing 63 Blessing Others by Releasing the Prophetic 69
Blessing Your Workplace 70 Blessing a Community 72 Blessing the Land 74 Blessing the Lord 75 A Final Word from a Reader 76 A Final Word from the Author 76
Applications 78 How to Become a Christian 80
O autorze
Richard Brunton was a pioneer of the market research industry in New Zealand. He co-founded Colmar Brunton in 1981 and built the business into the country’s best known and most trusted research company He was the driving force behind Colmar Brunton’s 'Better Business, Better World’ campaign – a personal crusade around creating profit by creating purpose, or making money by making meaning. He believes (with the research to back it) that organisations that are driven by the big ideal of making their customers’ lives better create more shareholder value in the long run than those who focus on other aims. His articles, speeches and unique perspectives have been published in many magazines and newspapers.Richard was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame in 2005, and became a life member of the Marketing Research Society of New Zealand in 2010.In 2014, he retired as Executive Chairman of Colmar Brunton and has devoted his time to writing, speaking and marketplace ministry.Richards’ recently published booklet The Awesome Power of Blessing is having a significant impact on the lives of people around the world. Richard attends Faith Pointe church in Auckland. He is also a member of the ministry team at Charisma Christian Ministries and teaches in their School of Supernatural Ministry.He has been married to Nicole for 10 years, has learnt to speak French, and spends time between New Zealand and New Caledonia. He is a keen boatie and fisherman, and owns an amphibious Sealegs boat.Richard has written The Awesome Power of Blessing and Anointed For Work.There are now 10, 000, 000 of Richard Brunton’s books in print (The Blessing Effect, The Awesome Power of Blessing and Anointed for Work ) and growing at a rate of 200, 000 per week. International translations available:La Potenza Meravigliosa Della Benedizione: Puoi cambiare il tuo mondo (Italian)La Formidable Puissance de la Bénédiction: Vous pouvez changer le monde (French)De Ontzagwekkende Kracht van Zegenen (Dutch)O Incrivel Poder da Bênção (Portugese)El Asombroso Poder de la Bendición (Spanish)Die wunderbare Kraft des Segnens (German)Visit Richard’s website