Autor: Ricky Lee Allen

CZsar Augusto Rossatto is Associate Professor and Director of the Sociocultural Foundations Division in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Texas at El Paso. He is author of numerous publications including: Engaging Paulo Freire Os Pedagogy of Possibility: From Blind to Transformative Optimism (Rowman and Littlefield). He is founder of Paulo Freire SIG (Special Interest Group) at AERA (American Education Research Association). He is founder and chair of the First, Second, and Third International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation He teaches courses in critical pedagogy, multiculturalism, education for social justice, sociology of education. He is committed to dialectic and dialogical education and praxis for the liberation of disenfranchised groups. He is also well versed on organizational politics, international and urban education in the U.S. and Latin America. His main research interests are: globalization and neoliberalism in the U.S.-Mexican border region; Brazilian identity formation and social relations in United States, and their implications for schooling; the phenomena of fatalism and optimism in relation to social classes O differences; the application of critical pedagogy; and the origins and effects of whiteness in Brazil and in the United States. Ricky Lee Allen is Assistant Professor of Educational Thought & Sociocultural Studies at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He received his Ph.D. in Education from UCLA, where he specialized in Urban Schooling. His areas of scholarly interest are sociology of education, critical studies of whiteness, critical race theory, and critical pedagogy. His scholarship focuses on the theoretical aspects of these areas, most specifically on the racial politics of critical educational and social thought. His most recent articles are OWhiteness and Critical Pedagogy O and OThe Globalization of White Supremacy.O At UNM, he teaches Critical Race Theory; Paulo Freire Seminar; Whiteness Seminar; Globalization and Education; Race, Ethnicity, and Education; and Sociology of Education. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Allen was a secondary science teacher in suburban Cincinnati, rural Indiana, and urban Los Angeles. Marc Pruyn works at New MZxico State University as an associate professor of social studies education and as the Director of Elementary Education. Marc Os areas of specialty and interest include social justice, multiculturalism, Marxism, anarchism, critical pedagogical theory and the social studies. He is a member of the Rouge Forum ( and the Borderlands Collective for Social Justice. Marc spends his free time watching zombie movies, practicing Tae Kwon Do and playing the drums. His most recent book (edited with Luis Huerta-Charles), Teaching Peter Mc Laren (2005), is available through Peter Lang. Feel free to contact him at [email protected].

1 Ebooki wg Ricky Lee Allen

Ricky Lee Allen & Marc Pruyn: Reinventing Critical Pedagogy
Reinventing Critical Pedagogy offers a fresh perspective from which to read, discuss, and debate recent critical interpretations of schooling and our world at present. The authors build upon past acc …