Have you ever wondered what it will be like in Heaven?
Living eternally means there will be absolutely NO time limits on the amount of fun, exploration, living, learning, and loving you and I, alongside the saved of all generations, can experience and enjoy.
The Holy Scriptures reveal enough information about Heaven for us to use our deductive reasoning skills to infer a surprising number of things that most likely won’t be there.
Taking this approach allows us to employ the same compare-and-contrast method Jesus often used in parables to illustrate important concepts and principles. I believe this same method can still be used with today’s young people and adults who have lost a spouse to effectively counter many of the false concepts and troubling distortions our modern culture and media have promoted about Heaven and the New Earth.
Spis treści
PART I: Introduction
Welcome to Rainbow City!
Spark Your Imagination!
PART II: Our House
The Bathroom
The Bedroom
The Clothes Closet
The Laundry Room
The Living Room
The Kitchen
The Dining Room
The Office
The Garage
PART III: Our Community
The Neighborhood
The City
PART IV: Our Attitudes
Fitting In with the Family of God
PART V: Myths about Heaven
Myth #1: Halos, Clouds, Harps, and Wings
Myth #2: Singing, Singing, and MORE Singing!
Myth #3: Fire Insurance-a HOT Topic!
Myth #4: A Topic of Concern to All-Oh NO!
Myth #5: BIG Oops-God Made a Mistake!
Myth #6: No Physical Bodies
PART VI: Troubling Answer to a Trick Question
What Jesus Said and Why
What Jesus Didn’t Say and Why
PART VII: The Most Important Thing in This Book
Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart
PART VIII: Final Thoughts
Author’s Postscript
About the Author