Practical Manual of Clinical Obesity provides practical,
accessible and expert advice on the clinical diagnosis and
management of obesity and will be your perfect go-to tool in the
management of your patients.
Information is clear, didactic and attractively presented, with
every chapter containing plenty of engaging text features such as
key points, pitfall boxes, management flowcharts and case studies
to enable a rapid
understanding of obesity diagnosis and management. Key clinical
trials and major international society guidelines are referred to
Topics covered include:
* Assessment of the patient, including patient history,
examination and investigations
* Patterns, risks and benefits of weight loss
* Evaluation of management options: diet, exercise, drugs,
psychological treatments, and surgery
* Management of obesity related co-morbidities
Practical Manual of Clinical Obesity is ideal reading for
endocrinologists of all levels, as well as all other health
professionals who manage obese patients such as specialist nurses,
dieticians, and GP’s with an interest in obesity
Spis treści
Preface vii
Part 1 The Biology of Obesity–Why It Occurs 1
Victor Lawrence, Section Editor
1 Energy Balance and Body Weight Homeostasis 3
2 The Genetic Basis of Obesity 13
3 Adipocyte Biology 25
4 Fetal and Infant Origins of Obesity 33
5 Metabolic Fuels and Obesity 41
Part 2 Clinical Management of the Obese Individual 51
Robert Kushner, Section Editor
6 Practical Guide to Clinical Assessment and Treatment Planning 53
7 Stages of Obesity and Weight Maintenanc 63
8 Dietary Management 71
9 Physical Activity and Exercise 81
10 Behavior Therapy 91
11 Pharmacotherapy 99
12 Surgery 109
Part 3 Clinical Management of Obesity-Related Co-morbidities 121
Sudhesh Kumar and Milan K. Piya, Section Editors
13 Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases 123
14 Obesity and Reproductive Health 133
15 Gastro-intestinal and Hepatobiliary Disease 141
16 Respiratory Disease 149
17 Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease 157
18 Obesity: Mental Health and Social Consequences 167
19 Obesity and Musculo-skeletal Disease 175
20 The Obese Patient in Hospital 181
Conversion Table 187
Index 189
O autorze
Robert Kushner, Professor of Medicine, Northwestern
University Feinberg
School of Medicine, Chicago, USA
Victor Lawrence, Consultant Physician, Endocrinology and
St Mary’s Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight, UK
Sudhesh Kumar, Professor of Medicine, Warwick Medical
University of Warwick, UK