Robert P. Jones, Ph.D., is the CEO and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education organization dedicated to work at the intersection of religion, values, and public life. Dr. Jones writes a weekly column at Figuring Faith, a featured blog at the Washington Post On Faith section. He is a member of the national steering committee for the Religion and Politics Section at the American Academy of Religion and is an active member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, the American Political Science Association, and the Society of Christian Ethics. He holds a Ph.D. in religion from Emory University, and a M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before founding
6 Ebooki wg Robert P. Jones
Robert P. Jones: Progressive & Religious
Progressive & Religious tells the story of the emerging progressive religious movement in America through an analysis of over 80 in-depth interviews with contemporary religious leaders including nati …
Robert P. Jones & Ted A. Smith: Spirit and Capital in an Age of Inequality
Spirit and Capital in an Age of Inequality brings together a diverse group of scholars, activists and public intellectuals to consider one of the most pressing issues of our time: increasing inequali …
Robert P. Jones & Ted A. Smith: Spirit and Capital in an Age of Inequality
Spirit and Capital in an Age of Inequality brings together a diverse group of scholars, activists and public intellectuals to consider one of the most pressing issues of our time: increasing inequali …
Robert P. Jones: End of White Christian America
’;Quite possibly the most illuminating text for this election year’ (The New York Times Book Review). *Winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion* Robert P. Jones, CEO of the Public Religion Research …
Robert P. Jones: White Too Long
’;An indispensible study’ (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) drawing on history, public opinion surveys, and personal experience that presents a provocative examination of the unholy relationship betwe …
Robert P. Jones: Hidden Roots of White Supremacy
A New York Times Bestseller Taking the story of white supremacy in America back to 1493, and examining contemporary communities in Mississippi, Minnesota, and Oklahoma for models of racial repair, Th …