Autor: Roland Benedikter

Roland Benedikter, Dott. lett., Dr. rer. pol., Dr. phil., Dr. phil., served as European Foundations Research Professor of Political Analysis with specialization in Political Anticipation and Contextual Political Analysis in residence 2009-13 at the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, and as Long-term Visiting Scholar / Research Affiliate 2009-13 at the Europe Center, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. Since fall 2013, he is Visiting Scholar at the Orfalea Center, Full Academic Fellow of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies Washington DC, Trustee of the Toynbee Prize Foundation Boston, Affiliate Scholar of the Edmund Pellegrino Center of Georgetown University, Full member of the Scientific Council of the Austrian Society for European Politics Vienna and Full Member of the Club of Rome. Previously, he served as Visiting Professor and Research Scholar at Columbia University New York, Villanova University Philadelphia and RMIT University Melbourne. He has lectured at Viadrina European University Frankfurt/Oder, Korea University Seoul, Vienna and Innsbruck Universities, Clemens Ohridski University Sofia, Mersin Universitesi and Catholic University Lima. From 1995-2003, Benedikter also served as the personal secretary and spokesperson of the Minister for Culture, Minorities, Education and Science of the Government of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol, a European autonomous model region in the North of Italy; and as spokesperson of the President of the Cultural Commission of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) Barcelona as well as of the Vice President of the Federal Union of European Ethnic Groups (FUEN) Strasbourg. Benedikter has been writing for Foreign Affairs, The National Interest, European Foreign Affairs Review, New Global Studies, Challenge Magazine, The European Berlin, European Financial Review London, European Business Review London, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Welttrends Berlin, International. The Journal for International Politics Vienna, Aufklärung und Kritik Marburg, as well as the leading German and Austrian newspapers Die Welt Berlin and Der Standard Vienna. He is co-author of the February 2013 Pentagon and U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff White Paper on the Future of Neurotechnology and Neurowarfare, as well as author and editor of 15 books and of 16 encyclopedia articles. Verena Nowotny, MA, served for 10 years as foreign policy spokesperson for the Austrian government, mainly for Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel. In 2009-10 she acted as spokesperson for Austria’s non-permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council. She enhanced her in-depth knowledge of international affairs with working experiences in China and the United States. Nowotny holds a Master”s degree in Political Management from George Washington University. She currently works as an independent expert for public affairs, China-America-Europe relations and inter-cultural political and social communication in Austria’s capital Vienna.

16 Ebooki wg Roland Benedikter

Roland Benedikter: Social Banking and Social Finance
For over 2, 000 years, banks have served to facilitate the exchange of money and to provide a variety of economic and financial services. During the most recent financial collapse and subsequent rece …
Roland Benedikter & Verena Nowotny: China’s Road Ahead
This book provides a critical commentary on China’s situation and future outlook from the perspective of the 2012-13 generational power transfer. In this power transfer, taking place against the back …
Roland Benedikter & Katja Siepmann: Chile in Transition
The economic, political and social situation in Chile shows a country in transition. Some observers anticipate a broad “reboot” of the nation. While Chile is still seen by many as an example of progr …
Roland Benedikter & Judith Hilber: The Art of Multiculturalism
This book describes what an “art of multiculturalism” could be and how in turn multiculturalism could be conceived as a form of art. It focuses on the early and middle work of Indian-born U.S. writer …
Roland Benedikter & Verena Nowotny: China
​Das Buch zeichnet das Gesamtbild der Situation und Perspektiven Chinas. Die Machtübergabe von einer im vergangenen Jahrzehnt erfolgreichen an eine noch wenig bekannte und von zahlreichen Umbrüchen e …
Roland Benedikter: Italienische Moralphilosophie
Dieses Buch enthält sechs Aufsätze namhafter italienischer Philosophen und Schriftsteller. Sie präsentieren auf klare und allgemeinverständliche Weise Schlüsselpositionen der heutigen italienischen M …
Roland Benedikter: Italienische Politikphilosophie
Dieses Buch enthält sechs Aufsätze von Massimo Cacciari, Antonio Giuseppe Balistreri, Remo Bodei, Salvatore Veca, Roberto Esposito und Ugo Perone. Sie präsentieren Schlüsselpositionen der italienisch …
Roberta Medda-Windischer & Günther Pallaver: Politika 12
Nach langem, zähen Verhandeln, zweimaliger Befassung der UNO-Generalversammlung mit der Südtirolfrage und Verabschiedung eines 'Paketes’ an Maßnahmen wurde 1972 das zweite Autonomiestatut für Südtiro …
Roland Benedikter & Dariusz Wojtaszyn: Football Politics in Central Europe and Eastern Europe
Football in Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe has long functioned as a carrier of the three ’;non-normal’ socio-political drivers that were effective below the surface of modernity, including the of …
Roland Benedikter: Religion in the Age of Re-Globalization
This book provides a concise introduction into twenty-one trends that are transforming the role of religion and spirituality in “re-globalizing” societies. In referring to processes of “re- …
Roland Benedikter & Mirjam Gruber: Re-Globalization
Re-Globalization examines the changing face of globalization, with political, economic, and social balances in flux, and tensions increasing in many parts of the globe.This book discusses and problem …
Roland Benedikter & Mirjam Gruber: Re-Globalization
Re-Globalization examines the changing face of globalization, with political, economic, and social balances in flux, and tensions increasing in many parts of the globe.This book discusses and problem …
Roland Benedikter: Die Erneuerung der politischen Mitte
Dieses Buch diskutiert die Erneuerbarkeit der politischen Mitte in europäischen Demokratien. Im Umfeld wiederholter Krisenbündel haben neue soziale Technologien, Individualisierung und Aufstieg des P …
Roland Benedikter & Daniel Fitzpatrick: Political Economy of European Football
This book explores the contemporary dynamics of European football’s political economy, mapping the various market and regulatory forces that shape its current position and development.Offering a conc …
Roland Benedikter & Daniel Fitzpatrick: Political Economy of European Football
This book explores the contemporary dynamics of European football’s political economy, mapping the various market and regulatory forces that shape its current position and development.Offering a conc …
James Giordano & Roland Benedikter: Neuroscience, Neuroculture, and Neuroethics
Contemporary brain research is challenging Western societal norms by questioning basic cornerstones such as individuality, freedom, rationality, solidarity, and the concept of the human being in gene …