Borderland Birds includes almost 100 birds that I have encountered along the southern border from Arizona to the Gulf. Many are 'specialty birds’, species that cannot be found elsewhere in the U.S. Examples include chachalaca, red-billed pigeon, hook-billed kite, Aplomado falcon, ferruginous pygmy-owl, elegant trogon, blue-throated and lucifer hummingbirds, Mexican and green jays, Audubon’s and Altamira orioles, pyrrhuloxia, varied bunting, and Colima and Rufous-capped warblers. All of the birds are illustrated with photographs by Greg Lasley, Kelly Bryan, Bob Behrstock, and Martin Reid.
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The author retired from the National Park Service after a 32-year career as a park ranger and biologist. He worked in 7 national parks – Crater Lake, Death Valley, Pinnacles, Zion, Big Bend, Great Smoky Mountains, and Virgin Islands – and as Regional Chief Scientist in the Southwest Region Office in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and as Chief of Resource Management and Chief Scientist for the National Park Service in Washington, D.C. Since retirement, he has written 28 books on National Parks and wildlife and two novels. Roland lives in Bryan, Texas.