Ruth Scodel is D. R. Shackleton Bailey Collegiate Professor
of Greek and Latin at the University of Michigan. She is the author
of Listening to Homer (2002) and Epic Facework:
Self-Presentation and Social Interaction in Homer (2008).
Anja Bettenworth is Assistant Professor of Latin at the
University of Münster. She is the author of Gastmahlszenen
in der antiken Epik von Homer bis Claudian. Diachrone
Untersuchungen zur Szenentypik (2004).
5 Ebooki wg Ruth Scodel
Ruth Scodel & Anja Bettenworth: Whither Quo Vadis?
Whither Quo Vadis? offers an engaging account of how the Roman world and its history are represented in film and the way in which the different adaptations reflect the shifting historical situations …
Ruth Scodel: Epic Facework
Homer’s characters are often very far from an unreflecting struggle for status at others’ expense. Rather than being a 'zero-sum game’, their negotiations can be of an impressive delicacy, designed t …
Douglas Cairns & Ruth Scodel: Defining Greek Narrative
The 'Classic’ narratology that has been widely applied to classical texts is aimed at a universal taxonomy for describing narratives. More recently, 'new narratologies’ have begun linking the formal …