Autor: S. K. Acharya

Prof. (Dr.) S.K. Acharya, former Head, Dept. of Agril Extension and Director, Extension Education, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, WB, born on 6th October, 1960, started his career as Assistant Professor at BCKV in 1988 and has been in teaching, research and extension over 30 years. An erudite teacher and an elegant speaker, Prof. Acharya, the topper in his M.Sc (Ag) academic career in Agril. Extension, is internationally acclaimed for his unique research domain of Social Entropy and Energy Metabolism, Social Ecology and Environmental Sociology, Enterprise Ecology Framework, Farm Stewardships: The Transition from Conservation, Technology Socialization Process, and The Social Ecology of Livelihood, which have got tremendous policyas well as scholastic importance. Research Publication: 169 in National and International Journals. Book Publication: 73 books authored/co-authored, covering topics Participatory Extension Planning and Management; Value addition and quality management, Extension Strategy for Natural Resource Management; Horticulture Management with Quality Issues, Technology Socialization Process; Fish Biodiversity; Income and Livelihood; Enterprise Management and Entrepreneurship Building; Women”s participation in Panchayat; Gender Issues in Floriculture; Technology gap in Floriculture; Enterprise Synergy in Agriculture; Disaster Management; Social Metabolism, Farm Energy Metabolism, Community Perception on Climate Change, Social Entropy and Chaos, Research Areas of Publication: Community Forest Management and Role performance by EDC and FPC; Social forestry and community participation (paper published in Indian Forester); Technology Diffusion and Socialization, Primary Education :Dropout Problem, Nutrition and Livelihood; Fish Ecology and Community Indexing of Fish Biodiversity; Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom Analysis; Development Communication; Diffusion Approach in Forestry and Animal Enterprise; PRA, PLA, BME, etc. Membership of Distinction: Chancellor Nominee on selection committee; Member of Agriculture Commission; Marketing and Extension Sub-Committee, Govt. of West Bengal; Expert member WWF projects in BTR (Buxa Tiger Reserve Project);Expert member; DFID project on Primary Education (DPEP); REIA, Visited Italy, France, Germany, China , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Delivered 13 Keynote addresses in International Congress, Chaired 17 Sessions in International conferences, Editors of a score of national and international journals. He has so far been awarded with 9 best paper awards in National and International Conferences, Organizing Secretary of two International Conferences, held in the years, 2016 & 2018, Jointly Organized by Department of Agricultural Extension, BCKV, WB and Krishisanskriti, New Delhi. He has also been honored to be selected as the Convener of Panel (PE-32)entitled The hunger , poverty and silence, of IUAES, University of Manchester, UK, 2013 .Co-PI of ICAR and World Bank funded project CAAST on Conservation Agriculture. So far he has successfully guided 14 Ph.D scholars from BCKV, CU, KU, Vidyasagar University.

7 Ebooki wg S. K. Acharya

S. K. Acharya & A. Biswas: Self Help Group SHG
In Making people thrive on marginal resources and social status, Self Help Groups are the revolutionary creations in India. Inspired by the microfinance and micro credit experience in Bnagladesh …
S. K. Acharya & Monirul Haque: Transforming Ecology
Any transformation in ecosystem tiny or big, has got rippling impact. This is so swashbuckling when a typical farmland undergoes speedy transformation into a tea garden, and this is exactly what is …
S. K. Acharya & Mosaraf Hossain: Artisanship and Rural Ecology Transforming Life and Livelihood
Artisanship is the backbone of our culture and traditional livelihood. This is now under serious threats due to unabated globalization and the fall out therewith. While agriculture is considered as …
S. K. Acharya & A. Sarkar: Seed Priming (Application And Ecology A Focus On Coriander)
Economics is the sacral Concerned with the production and consumption of goods and service and the analysis of the commercial activities of a society There is a long history of emergence, growth and …
S. K. Acharya & Hemanga Kumar Kalita: Modernizing Agriculture (The Pathway And Process)
Globalization is an unavoidable reality in the modern world. Most of the countries have accepted it either willingly or unwillingly. Divergent views for and against globalization have been expressed. …
S. K. Acharya & Amitava Biswas: Research Methodology (The Design, Process and Application)
Some of the recent projections of manpower requirements have relied on the assumption that the structure of employment by occupations will remain fixed over the entire period of projections. Using …
S K. Acharya & Sunanda Biswas: Nutritional Level of Farm Women (A Multilayer Analysis)
Although the focus of this volume is on India of 1991-92, yet it provides useful overview of significant developments that took place in the world as a whole. A comparative study of indicators of …