Teresa of Avila (1515–1582), also called St. Teresa of Jesus, is one of the world’s most beloved saints. She lived her entire life in Spain and was the leader of a reform movement within her Carmelite Order. She was named a “Doctor of the Church” in 1970.
14 Ebooki wg Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Francis de Sales: Catholic Controversy
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The following …
Brother Lawrence & St. Teresa of Avila: Sublime Classic Catholic Super Pack
The Catholic Church is over two thousand years old. It has an amazing history and many historical writings. Here are twelve important historical writings on faith and the Kingdom of God, written by s …
Saint Francis de Sales: Introduction to the Devout Life
Almost all those who have written concerning the devout life have had chiefly in view persons who have altogether quitted the world; or at any rate they have taught a manner of devotion which would l …
Saint Francis de Sales: Treatise on the Love of God
This Treatise which I now present you, may be in some way serviceable to you, and that in it you will meet with many wholesome considerations which you would not elsewhere so easily find. We all look …
Saint Francis de Sales: Introduction to the Devout Life (Rediscovered Books)
’Almost all those who have written concerning the devout life have had chiefly in view persons who have altogether quitted the world; or at any rate they have taught a manner of devotion which would …
de Sales, Saint Francis: Introduction à la vie dévote
L”Introduction à la vie dévote’ de Saint François de Sales, publié au début du XVIIe siècle, est un traité spirituel emblématique qui vise à guider les chrétiens dans leur quête de la dévotion dans …
de Sales, Saint Francis: Introduction à la vie dévote
L”Introduction à la vie dévote’ de Saint François de Sales est une œuvre clé du XVIIe siècle, offrant un guide spirituel sur la dévotion dans la vie chrétienne. Écrite dans un style accessible et pé …
Saint Francis of Sales: Introduction to the Devout Life
’Introduction to the Devout Life’ by Saint Francis of Sales is a timeless and treasured guide to living a devout and spiritually fulfilling life. Written by one of the great spiritual masters of the …
Saint Francis of Sales: Treatise on the Love of God
The 'Treatise on the Love of God’ by Saint Francis of Sales is a spiritual masterpiece that has guided countless souls on their journey to a deeper and more profound love of God. With profound insigh …
San Francisco de Sales: Las páginas más hermosas de San Francisco de Sales sobre el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y su Amor para con nosotros
Las páginas escritas por San Francisco de Sales sobre el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús son como un jardín de flores fragantes que nos cautivan con su belleza espiritual y su amoroso aroma. Es un viaje emo …
San Francisco de Sales: Introducción a la Vida Devota
’Introducción a la Vida Devota’ es una obra atemporal escrita por San Francisco de Sales, un santo y doctor de la Iglesia reconocido por su sabiduría y amor por Dios. En esta obra, nos invita a adent …
de Sales, Saint Francis: Introduction à la vie dévote
’Introduction à la vie dévote’, de Saint de Sales Francis. Publié par e-artnow. e-artnow publie un large éventail d’ouvrages, où sont inclus tous les genres littéraires. Les choix éditoriaux des édit …