This year’s volume features special sections on gambling in the Age of Goethe and on Goethe and music, as well as book reviews, a translation of Lenz’s 'Zerbin’ and other essays on the period.
Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, showcasing North American and international scholarship on Goethe and other authors and aspects of German literature and culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In volume 32, Joanna Raisbeck analyzes two recently discovered sonnets by Karoline von Günderrode, uncovering an a priori pessimism that anticipates nineteenth-century thinkers. This is followed by Brian Donarski’s scholarly introduction to and translation of Lenz’s
Zerbin, or Recent Philosophy-the first time this text has appeared in English. Ethan Blass reads surprising similarities in staging and visual language between Goethe’s
Die natürliche Tochter and Hitchcock’s film
Marnie, arguing that Goethe’s theatrical innovations are protocinematic. The next four articles, by Claire Baldwin, Austen Hinkley, Jürgen Overhoff, and William H. Carter, offer an exploration of the theme 'Gambling in the Age of Goethe.’ These essays touch on both canonical and forgotten figures to illuminate a rich discourse around chance, coincidence, risk management, and play that connects with key aspects of historical discourse and literary representation in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The final two pieces, by Jonathan Guez and Matthew Poon, treat musical responses to Goethe’s works by Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann. A collection of book reviews that offer a comprehensive view of new work in the wider field closes the volume.
Spis treści
Editors’ Preface –
Eleanor ter Horst and Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge
The Essays
The Wisdom of Silenus, or Philosophical Pessimism in Günderrode –
Joanna Raisbeck
Introduction to a Translation of Lenz’s
Zerbin oder die neuere Philosophie –
Brian Donarski
Zerbin, or Recent Philosophy: A Translation of Lenz’s
Zerbin oder die neuere Philosophie –
Brian Donarski
Making an Entrance in Goethe’s
Die Natürliche Tochter and Hitchcock’s
Marnie –
Ethan Blass
Gambling in the Age of Goethe
Introduction to Special Section: Gambling in the Age of Goethe –
William H. Carter
The Measure of Hope: Lichtenberg on Probability and the Gambler’s Calculations –
Claire Baldwin
Ideas From All Sciences, Shuffled Together Like Cards: Encyclopedic Wit and the Game of Chance in Jean Paul –
Austen Hinkley
Kontrollierte Spielfreude – Welche Grenzen der vernünftige Gutsherr und aufgeklärte Bildungsreformer Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow (1734-1805) dem Glücksspiel setzte – Jürgen Overhoff
Gambles, Decision Making, and Loss Aversion in
Faust I-
William H. Carter
Musical Responses to Goethe’s Works
What Schubert Learned from Goethe –
Jonathan Guez
Depicting Goethe in Robert Schumann’s Overtures –
Matthew Poon
Book Reviews
Monographs and Edited Volumes
Christine Weder, Ruth Signer, and Peter Wittemann, eds.
Auszeiten. Temporale Ökonomien des Luxus in Literatur und Kultur der Moderne. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023. 310 pp.
(Sean Franzel)
Daniel Ehrmann.
Kollektivität. Geteilte Autorschaften und kollaborative Praxisformen 1770-1840. Vienna: Böhlau, 2022. 579 pp.
(Claire Baldwin)
Seán Allen and Jeffrey L. High.
Inspiration Bonaparte? German Culture and Napoleonic Occupation . Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2021. 345 pp.
(Karin Baumgartner)
Heidi Schlipphacke,
The Aesthetics of Kinship: Form and Family in the Long Eighteenth Century. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2023. xiii + 335 pp.
(Peter Erickson)
Lise Wille.
Zwischen Autonomie und Heteronomie. Bürgerliche Identitätsproblematik in Heinrich Leopold Wagners dramatischem Werk . Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2021. 302 pp.
(Veronica Rose Curran)
Pierre Hadot.
Don’t Forget to Live: Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023. 200 pp., 7 illustrations.
(Daniel Di Massa)
Eva Geulen and Claude Haas, eds.
Formen des Ganzen . Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022. 551 pp.
(Seán M. Williams)
Jeffrey L. High, Rebecca Stewart, and Elaine Chen, eds.
Heinrich von Kleist. Literary and Philosophical Paradigms. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2022. 358 pp.
(Renata T. Fuchs)
Birgit Tautz.
Translating the World: Toward a New History of German Literature Around 1800. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2018. xii + 266 pp.
(Matthew Childs)
Birgit Sandkaulen.
The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: On the Contradiction between System and Freedom . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, xiii + 263 pp.
(Joseph A. Haydt)
Inge Stephan,
Verweigerte Männlichkeit. Antihelden in Literatur und Kunst vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert . Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. 354 pp.
(Elisabeth Krimmer)
Nora-Leonie Mai.
Romantische Subversionen. Schwarze Romantik bei E. T. A. Hoffmann und in Jules Barbiers Les Contes d’Hoffmann. Baden-Baden: Rombach Wissenschaft, 2022. 436 pp.
(Christopher R. Clason)
Todd Kontje.
Georg Forster: German Cosmopolitan . University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State UP, 2022. 200 pp.
(Richard B. Apgar)
Jadwiga Kita-Huber and Jörg Paulus, eds
Signaturen der Vielfalt. Autorinnen in der Sammlung Varnhagen. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2024. 341 pp., 23 illustrations.
(Dennis Schäfer)
Margaretmary Daley.
Great Books by German Women in the Age of Emotion, 1770-1820. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2022. 310 pp.
(Inga Schwemin)
Beate L. Allert, Christopher R. Clason, Niall A. Peach, and Ricardo Quintana-Vallejo, eds.,
Alexander von Humboldt: Perceiving the World . West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2023. 272 pp.
(Birgit Tautz)
Editions and Translations
Wilhelm Voßkamp.
Zweite Gegenwart. Poetologische Lektüren zu Goethes Dichtung und Wahrheit. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022. 128 pp.
(Thomas O. Beebee)
Andrea Wulf.
Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self . New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2022. xvi + 494 pp.
(James A. Rasmussen)
O autorze
BIRGIT TAUTZ is George Taylor Files Professor of Modern Languages and German at Bowdoin College.