Sergi Belbel's acclaimed Catalan drama presents a disturbing picture of contemporary Western society set against a background of urban alienation and violence.
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's play La Ronde, each of the ten scenes presents a pair of characters in a confused and contradictory relationship.
Sergi Belbel's play Caresses was first performed in this English translation by John London at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in 1997. It was filmed in 1998 to critical acclaim.
'It's a must!' – Time Out
O autorze
Sergi Belbel (born Terrassa, Barcelona 1963) is a leading playwright, director and translator. He is a founder member of the Theatre School of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and has been Lecturer in Dramaturgy at the Institut del Teatr, Barcelona, since 1988. He has written many prize-winning plays which include: Calidoscopios y faros de hoy (1985), Elsa Schneider (1987), En companyia d’abisme (1988), Tàlem (1989), Carícies (1991), Després de la pluja (1994), Morir (1994), La Sang (1998), El temps de Plank (1999), Forasters (2005) and Soy fea A la Toscana (2007). He has also written screenplays for drama serials for Televisió de Cataluñya. Some of his plays (particularly Carícies, Després de la Pluja and Morir) have been translated and produced in several countries in Europe and South America. Després de la Pluja (After the Rain) was performed in English at the Gate Theatre, London in the spring of 1996.