Two reporters, Rosalie and Kendra, have been sent by their magazine to investigate a reportedly haunted mansion near the border of Louisiana in the swamps of East Texas. They arrive skeptical, but excited, at the opportunity. Almost immediately, they realize there is more to the old place than meets the eye.
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What to say about myself? Gee… I’m not sure. I’m a wife, a mother, and even a GRANDMOTHER… But call me Mi Mi!
I LOVE to tell stories! It is just about my favorite thing to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve LOVED a good romance.
But not just ANY romance. No way! I have to have adventure, excitement, danger, thrills and chills as well. What’s the point in just a regular old, PREDICTABLE romance? If I can tell halfway through the book what is going to happen, where’s the fun in that?
As if you can’t already tell, I love to read about as much as I love to write! I read romance, mystery, horror, fan fiction (Mostly Harry Potter or True Blood) and anything else that catches my eye.
I also write stories for younger readers age 14 and up; YA novels under the pen name of Rowan Shannigan. I’m working on my second novel in the first series I’ve started under that alias. Check it out at if you are interested. Same CRAZY kind of stories, just a little less intense. If you don’t try it, you don’t know what you’re missing!
I like movies, but I have to be in the mood for them. I’m sassy, stubborn, smart, silly and always wanting to know what people like or don’t like about my stories! If you follow my blog, comments are LOVED! Actually, to tell the truth… if you ever contact me with questions, worries, or any kind of thoughts on my stories, you can rest assured, I will answer you. It may take me a few days. Sometimes it might even be a week. But I will always send you a response. Frankly because I believe not torespond is just RUDE! And my Momma taught me to be a Proper Southern Lady.
Okay, so now you know more about me… Now, let’s talk about you… What’s YOUR fantasy?