Conservatives see Donald Trump as Batman, the mighty crusader cleaning out "Gotham City" – the Swamp, the Deep State, the liberal elite. Liberals previously regarded Trump as the Joker, a psychotic maniac destroying America. However, since "Joker" Todd Phillips 2019 movie tour de force the Joker is now seen as a liberal anti-hero, fighting the good fight against the super-rich elites. Batman, the sleazy playboy billionaire who stands for the military-industrial complex and predato...
Conservatives see Donald Trump as Batman, the mighty crusader cleaning out "Gotham City" – the Swamp, the Deep State, the liberal elite. Liberals previously regarded Trump as the Joker, a psychotic maniac destroying America. However, since "Joker" Todd Phillips 2019 movie tour de force the Joker is now seen as a liberal anti-hero, fighting the good fight against the super-rich elites. Batman, the sleazy playboy billionaire who stands for the military-industrial complex and predatory capitalism is now the psychotic monster who needs to be defeated. American culture is defined by the shifting sands of superheroes comic book characters who rule a fantasy world while China gets on with conquering the real world via its relentless progress in science, mathematics, engineering, computing and technology. Who will dominate the 21st century the lazy illiterates that love superhero movies or the hard-working strivers using their highly advanced knowledge to transform everything?America s love of fantasy is its doom. China s love of hard work and intelligence will sweep all before it. The Thucydides Trap is finally here the USA is the declining power, being replaced by the rising power, China. No superheroes are coming to America s aid. They are up against 1.4 billion industrious high achievers, with the highest ambitions, and total certainty that the future is theirs. The dogs in the street know who s going to win this showdown. It s not Captain America, that s for sure.