The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of several Kantian theories. Both the critical reaction to consequentialism inspired by Rawlsian constructivism and the universalism of more recent theories informed by Habermasian discourse ethics trace their main sources of inspiration back to Kant’s writings.
Spis treści
1. Metaphysics and Politics in the Wake of Kant: The Project of a Critical Practical Philosophy (Sorin Baiasu, Sami Pihlstrom and Howard Williams) 2. Kant’s Constructivism and Rational Justification (Kenneth R. Westphal) 3. Political, Not Metaphysical, Yet Kantian? A Defense of Rawls (Alyssa R. Bernstein) 4. On the Conditions of Discourse and Being: Kantian, Wittgensteinian, and Levinasian Perspectives on the Relation between Metaphysics and Ethics (Sami Pihlstrom) 5. One Community or Many? From Logic to Juridical Law via Metaphysics (Lucas Thorpe) 6. Kant’s Rechtslehre and Ideas of Reason (Tatiana Patrone) 7. Practical Agency, Teleology and System in Kant’s Architectonic of Pure Reason (Lea Ypi) 8. What a Kantian Can Know A Priori: An Argument for Moral Cognitivism (Katerina Deligiorgi) 9. Metaphysics and Moral Judgement (Sorin Baiasu) 10. 'Intelligible Facts’: Toward a Constructivist Account of Action and Responsibility (Garrath Williams) 11. Metaphysical and Not Just Political (Howard Williams) 12. Cosmopolitan Right: State and System in Kant’s Political Theory (Sharon Anderson-Gold) 13. The Metaphysics of International Law: Kant’s 'Unjust Enemy’ and the Limitation of Self- Authorization (Oliver Eberl)