1. 1 Purpose of the Study When the Agreement for the Foundation of the European Economic Community (EC Treaty) was extended and changed by the Single European Act (SEA), ratified by all the Member States of the European Community (EC) in July 1987, research and techno- logical development were placed for the first time on an equal footing with other politi- cal competences of the EC. In the newly added Articles 130 f – q of the EC Treaty the aims and policy measures are clearly fo...
1. 1 Purpose of the Study When the Agreement for the Foundation of the European Economic Community (EC Treaty) was extended and changed by the Single European Act (SEA), ratified by all the Member States of the European Community (EC) in July 1987, research and techno- logical development were placed for the first time on an equal footing with other politi- cal competences of the EC. In the newly added Articles 130 f – q of the EC Treaty the aims and policy measures are clearly formulated, thus giving the EC a real competence to act. The main aim of European research and technological development policy (RID policy) is (according to Article 130f of the SEA) to strengthen the scientific and technical basis of European industry and the development of its international competitiveness, to support transnational cooperation between industry and science, and to integrate the area of research and technological development into the general concept for the realisation of the internal market of the European Community. The main instruments of European RID policy are the "Community Framework Pro- grammes", running for several years, in which the aims, priorities and fmancial dimen- sions are defmed for a period of four to five years.