Book Series
Increasing Productivity of Software Development:
In software development, productivity is a measure of how much functionality can be developed in a given time and in compliance with specified quality criteria. If an increase in productivity succeeds, this increases the scope of the developed functionality and reduces the required time. Both features are desirable because software is the stuff innovations are made of. IT has changed almost all areas of life thanks to fundamental innovations.
Our future will be dominated by virtualization and smart helpers, that is, devices equipped with intelligence. This makes software development a key competence. Today, for companies that develop software, productivity as well as time and quality, are critical success factors.
By introducing standards and automation, productivity in software development has been demonstrably increased by a factor of 20. The reutilization of functional and technical components has already enabled measurements of a factor of 100. Such performance differences are only reproducible by measurements and the consistent use of measurement results within a management model designed for continuous optimization.
Part 1:
Productivity and Performance Measurement – Measurability and Methods
This book describes practical experiences with various measurements in software development: advantages and disadvantages of proven and new methods, their automation, the influence of complexity and the steps
towards the implementation of regular measurements.
O autorze
Stefan Luckhaus ist Informatiker mit mehr als 30 Jahren Berufserfahrung. Seit 1981 ist er in der Softwareentwicklung tätig. 1988 schloss er sein Informatikstudium in Frankfurt als Dipl.-Ing. (FH) ab. Danach war er 10 Jahre selbständig. Seit 1998 ist er Mitarbeiter der PASS Consulting Group, anfangs als Entwickler, später leitete er IT-Projekte, die ihn in die USA, nach Singapur, Indien und das europäische Ausland führten. Heute leitet Luckhaus das Competence Center Project Governance, das die Verfahrenstechnik zur Softwareentwicklung der gesamten PASS-Gruppe bereit stellt und Produktivitäts- und Qualitätsmessungen, intern für ca. 20 IT-Shops sowie im Kundenauftrag, durchführt. Er hat den Beraterstatus eines Principal Innovation Consultant. Die Fachgebiete von Stefan Luckhaus sind Softwaremetrie, Qualitätsmanagement sowie Vorgehensmodelle und Verfahrenstechniken zur Software Softwareentwicklung. Er leitet im Branchenverband BITKOM den Arbeitskreis Qualitätsmanagement.