How to Read the Bible Well takes on the big questions about the Bible that we’ve always wanted to ask. What do people mean when they say it’s the Word of God? In what way, exactly? How can an ancient world text be offering supposedly timeless truths? Can we really take what 'the Bible says’ as authoritative for life today? Isn’t it obviously sexist and outdated? Do we have to believe in Adam and Eve, and the world being made in six days? Why did God command genocide in the Old Testament? Are people really going to burn in hell for eternity? Why is there evil and suffering in the world? And, how can we explain the Big Story of the Bible, from cover to cover, in ways that will make sense to people today? Stephen Burnhope suggests there are very good answers to all of these questions and more–once we know how to read the Bible well!
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Stephen Burnhope is a writer, speaker and church consultant. He received a Master of Arts degree (with Distinction) in Aspects of Biblical Interpretation from the London School of Theology, before completing a Ph D in Systematic Theology at King’s College London. He’s the author of Atonement and the New Perspective (Wipf & Stock, 2018), which was his Ph D thesis. Stephen was previously Senior Pastor of Aylesbury Vineyard Church in the UK.