Autor: Stephen Gilbert Brown

Stephen Gilbert Brown is Assistant Professor of English and Director of Composition at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. He is the author of Words in the Wilderness: Critical Literacy in the Borderlands and the coeditor (with Sidney I. Dobrin) of Ethnography Unbound: From Theory Shock to Critical Praxis, both published by SUNY Press.

3 Ebooki wg Stephen Gilbert Brown

Stephen Gilbert Brown: Hemingway, Trauma and Masculinity
Hemingway, Trauma and Masculinity: In the Garden of the Uncanny is at once a model of literary interpretation and a psycho-critical reading of Hemingway’s life and art. This book is a provocative and …
Stephen Gilbert Brown: The Gardens of Desire
Offers a psychocritical reading of Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past). The Gardens of Desire is at once a model of literary interpretation and a groundbreaking psycho …
Stephen Gilbert Brown & Sidney I. Dobrin: Ethnography Unbound
Problematizes traditional ethnographic research methods, offering instead self-reflexive critical practices. These provocative new essays redefine the goals, methods, and assumptions of qualitative a …