Dr. Steven B. Sheldon is currently an associate professor in the School of Education at Johns Hopkins University, as well as Assistant Director at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships. He is the author of numerous peer reviewed articles about the development and impact of partnership programs in schools, and has co-authored the books, Principals Matter: A Guide to School, Family, and Community Partnerships and School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action.
Dr. Tammy A. Turner-Vorbeck is the co-founder of the Family Diversity Education Council, a non-profit corporation comprised of advocates, practitioners, and researchers interested in generating and sharing knowledge related to issues of family diversity and family-school-community relationships. She serves as Executive Co-Editor of the Journal of Family Diversity in Education. Her research interests center upon family structure diversity and equity issues in education.At the national level, she speaks at educational conferences on issues of family diversity and representations of family in schoolcurricula. At the university level, she provides workshops to preservice teachers and teachers on addressing family diversity in curricula and classrooms. Recent publications include: (Mis)Understanding Families: Learning to Listen to Real Families in Our Schools (2010); Other Kinds of Families: Diversity in School and Culture (2008); Representations of family: A poststructural analysis (2006); Expanding multicultural education to include family diversity (Multicultural Education, Winter, 2005). Dr. Turner-Vorbeck has served as Chair and Program Chair for the AERA Special Interest Group on Family, School, and Community Partnerships.
6 Ebooki wg Steven B. Sheldon
Tammy A. Turner-Vorbeck & Steven B. Sheldon: The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education
A comprehensive collection of essays from leading experts on family and community engagement The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Educationbrings together in one compr …
Tammy A. Turner-Vorbeck & Steven B. Sheldon: The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education
A comprehensive collection of essays from leading experts on family and community engagement The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Educationbrings together in one compr …
Mavis G. Sanders & Steven B. Sheldon: Principals Matter
"Addresses specific populations that are often alienated by schools: fathers, parents of children with disabilities, and families of poverty. It provides a good overview of key research on the t …
Joyce L. Epstein & Marsha D. Greenfeld: School, Family, and Community Partnerships
Strengthen programs of family and community engagement to promote equity and increase student success! When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students’ educa …
Joyce L. Epstein & Steven B. Sheldon: School, Family, and Community Partnerships
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools, 3rd Edition prepares future teachers and administrators to conduct effective and equitable programs of family an …
Joyce L. Epstein & Steven B. Sheldon: School, Family, and Community Partnerships
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools, 3rd Edition prepares future teachers and administrators to conduct effective and equitable programs of family an …