Steven Van Uytsel is Associate Professor of Competition Law at the Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. His specialization in competition law relates to enforcement issues and the position of competition law in countries in transition. More recently, he is focusing on algorithmic pricing strategies and competition law, for which he is the recepient of the Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. (April 2018-March 2021), Artificial Intelligence, Price Setting Strategies and Antitrust Law: Towards a Regulatory Framework. He has also developed in interest in the regulation of Artificial Intelligence for autonomous vehicles, for which he has been granted a Tsubasa research grant from Kyushu University. He is editor of the Research Handbook on Asian Competition Law (Shuya Hayashi and John. O. Haley (co-editors), edward Elgar 2020). He is further author of, amongst others, Artificial Intelligence and Collusion: A Literature Overview (in Robotics, AI, and the Future of Law (Fenwick, Corrales and Forgó (eds.), Springer, 2019) and Digital Markets and the Response of the Japan Fair Trade Commission: The De NA Co. Case, in Competition Law for the Digital Economy (Lundqvist ed., Edward Elgar, 2020).
10 Ebooki wg Steven Van Uytsel
Mark Fenwick & Steven Van Uytsel: Networked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law
This book brings together a unique range of case studies focusing on networks in the context of business regulation. The case studies form the basis for an interdisciplinary dialogue on the meaning, …
Mark Fenwick & Steven Van Uytsel: Regulating FinTech in Asia
This book focuses on Fintech regulation in Asian, situating local developments in broader economic, regulatory and technological contexts. Over the last decade, Fintech – broadly defined as the …
Steven Van Uytsel & Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas: Autonomous Vehicles
This edited book aims to address challenges facing the deployment of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles were predicted to hit the road by 2017. Even though a high degree of automation may have …
Steven Van Uytsel: The Digital Economy and Competition Law in Asia
The digital economy, broadly defined as the economy operating on the basis of interconnectivity between people and businesses, has gradually spread over the world. Although a global phenomenon, the d …
John Haley & Shuya Hayashi: Research Handbook on Asian Competition Law
This timely Research Handbook provides a comprehensive overview and discussion of the substantive competition law provisions of the ASEAN Plus Three region, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taking a u …
Salil K. Mehra & Yoshiteru Uemura: Algorithms, Collusion and Competition Law
Is competition law able to deal with algorithmic collusion? This evaluative book provides an insight into tackling this important question for competition law, with contrasting critical perspectives, …