Autor: Sylke Meyerhuber

Sylke Meyerhuber, Dr. Phil. Psychology, systemic therapy and counselling training, holds a permanent position as a Senior Researcher at the University of Bremen (Germany), artec Research Centre for Sustainability Studies. As expert in applied Social Psychology and Organisational Psychology, she focuses her research on socially sustainably leadership in organizations and mindful change in times of permanent reorganization. Honoured by her university with the Berninghausen Prize for Outstanding Teaching in 2010, she lectures in German and English, based on TCI principles since 1996. Helmut Reiser is Prof. Dr. Emeriti of Pedagogy for Behaviour Disorders from the University of Hannover (Germany). The renowned expert of didactics and pedagogy is a TCI-graduate & licensed TCI-lecturer. He held contact with Ruth C. Cohn since 1983. Additionally he partook in the innovation of the TCI-training first in WILL and later on in RCI. He is a supervisor DGf S, group-psychoanalytical supervisor, und organizational counselor, a teaching-supervisor, and additional he received training in systemic counselling. Beside his manifold other works, he wrote 40 TCI-articles und 2 books on TCI: Reiser & Lotz 1995, TZI als Pädagogik, Mainz; and Reiser 2006, Psychoanalytisch-systemische Pädagogik – Erziehung auf der Grundlage der Themenzentrierten Interaktion, Stuttgart. Matthias Scharer, Prof. Dr. was a full professor at the Faculty of Theology/Practical Theology Department at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). He retired in 2014, yet continuously publishing and teaching. He is founder of the international research program “Communicative Theology” together with B. J. Hilerath (Tübingen, Germany) and B. Hinze (New York, USA). Since 2005, the program has focused on an interreligious education. Out of Europe he has conducted research in Latina America (Ecuador, Peru. Bolivia, Brazil), India, Africa and the US: Scharer is a certificated trainer at the Ruth Cohn Institute International for TCI and works mainly in cross-cultural and trans-religious contexts.  

4 Ebooki wg Sylke Meyerhuber

Sylke Meyerhuber & Helmut Reiser: Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI) in Higher Education
This book presents thoughts on and experiences with the introduction of Theme-centered Interaction (TCI) into academia. TCI is a systematic didactic, ‘living learning’ approach originally developed b …
Thomas Leithäuser & Sylke Meyerhuber: Sozialpsychologisches Organisationsverstehen
Die Sozial- und Arbeitspsychologin Birgit Volmerg inspirierte als Forscherin, Methodikerin, Theoretikerin und Praktikerin zu diesem Buch. Angesichts der Tendenz einer postmodernen Marktwirtschaft in …
Haja Molter & Rose Schindler: Vom Gegenwind zum Aufwind
Der Aufwind, in dem sich das systemische Denken derzeit bewegt, ist wohlverdient. Denn dieses schon seit vielen Jahren in der Praxis äußerst beliebte Modell hat lange um seine offizielle Anerkennung …
Guido Becke & Miriam Behrens: Organisationale Achtsamkeit
Was zeichnet achtsame Unternehmen aus? Ihnen gelingt es, unbeabsichtigte Folgen des Change Managements frühzeitig zu erkennen und konstruktiv zu bearbeiten. Sie schaffen es auch, den Wandel als Regel …