“This will make one hell of a story, David.”
He stared at her for a while. “I don’t want you to do it, Chrissie.”
“What? Are you out of your mind? With the information on that computer, I can expose the whole damn lot of them. All I have to do is break the secret codes and I’ll have all the names of those they worked on!” She made a gesture with her hands. “And the ones still waiting to be serviced.”
“Sure. Then what?”
“What do you mean, then what?” She turned and walked toward the window.*“Chrissie, do you know who these people are? Expose them, and your life won’t be worth a dime!” He rose as the sound of helicopter rotors reached them.
O autorze
Jan Cronjé lives in South Africa, writing romance adventure and spy fiction novels. When not at the keyboard working on a book, he can be found in front of an easel applying paint to the canvas with the same zeal that goes into his writing.