Addressing the increasing number of culturally and linguistically diverse students in today’s schools,
Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom provides general and special education teachers with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to make the proactive, active, and reactive interventions necessary to create a positive classroom environment in which all students can learn. Going beyond the traditional rules and hierarchy of consequences and reinforcements, the book demonstrates how to incorporate basic classroom management plans, functional behavioral analysis, functional behavioral assessments, and behavioral intervention plans into the development and implementation of response-to-intervention and school-wide positive behavior support programs. In every chapter, the authors use real world examples and case studies to explore how language and culture affect students’ responses to behavior and classroom management. Unique chapters cover social skills training and collaborating with families of diverse students.
Spis treści
Chapter 1: Behavior and Classroom Management Basics
Foundations of Behavior Management
Developmental Theories of Behavior
Understanding Behavior Management
Cultural Influence on Behavior
Goals of Behavior and Classroom Management
Chapter 2: Legal Issues of Behavior and Classroom Management
Responsibilities of Teachers
Legislation Affecting Behavior and Classroom Management
Chapter 3: Collaborating with Parents and Families
Understanding Today’s Family
Establishing Relationships with Families
A Family Systems Model
Family Involvement and Engagement
Working with Diverse Families
Family Involvement in Academic Optimism
Standards for Family Relationships
Chapter 4: Role of the Teacher
Responsibility of the Professional Teacher
Ethical Considerations
Professional Self-Esteem of the Teacher
Chapter 5: The Learning Environment
Physical Setup of the Classroom
Rules and Routines
Schedules and Transitions
Behavioral Management Models
Characteristics of Highly Effective Teachers
Chapter 6: Basic Classroom Management Strategies
Teacher Expectations
Non-verbal and Verbal Interventions
Extinction and Punishment
Contingency Contracts
Token Economy
Cultural Impact on Behavior Strategies
Chapter 7: Cognitive Behavior Management
Defining Cognitive Behavior Management
Implementing a Self-Management Plan
Self-Management Techniques
Problem-Solving Strategies
Anger Management Strategies
Stress Management Strategies
Chapter 8: Functional Behavioral Assessment: Trinity of Behavior Management
The Trinity of Behavior Management
Conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment
Behavioral Observation
Measuring Behavior
Charting the Behavior
Chapter 9: Functional Behavior Analysis: Trinity of Behavior Management
Identifying the Function of a Behavior
Developing a Behavioral Hypothesis
Developing Alternative Behaviors
Assumptions of Functional Behavior Analysis
Generating a Behavioral Intervention Plan
Chapter 10: Behavior Intervention Plan: Trinity of Behavior Management
Components of a Behavior Intervention Plan
Developing Behavioral Goals
Implications of Behavior Intervention Plan
Impact of Culture on BIPs
Chapter 11: Single-Subject Design
Purpose of Single-Subject Design
Baseline Data and Intervention Data
Level, Trend, and Variability
Types of Single-Subject Designs
Chapter 12: Response-to-Intervention
The Evolution of RTI
Components of RTI
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Concerns of RTI
Chapter 13: School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
Components of SWPBS
Implementation of SWPBS
Tiers of SWPBS
Benefits of SWPBS
Cultural Impact on SWPBS
Teacher Self-Efficacy
Chapter 14: Social Skills Training
Features of Social Skills Training
Assessing Social Skills
Components of Social Skills Programs
Social Skills Programs and Strategies
Social Skills and SWPBS
Culturally Responsive Social Skills Instruction
O autorze
Diana Linn is associate professor of special education and department chair at Texas A & M International University in Laredo, Texas. Previously, she was a teacher in general education and special education classrooms in Mexico and South Texas. Dr. Linn received her Ph D from Texas A & M University, College Station. She has published articles concerning the disproportionality of English language learners in special education and the use of cultural autobiographies in pre-service teacher education programs. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association, the Council for Exceptional Children, and the National Association for Multicultural Education.