Autor: Theo Dimitrakos

Dr. Fabio Martinelli (M) (M.Sc. 1994, Ph.D. 1999) is a senior researcher at IIT-CNR, where he leads the cyber-security programme. He is a co-author of more than two hundred scientific papers. His main research interests involve security and privacy in distributed and mobile systems and foundations of security and trust. He usually teaches at graduate level courses in computer security. He is involved in several Steering Committees of international conferences, workshops, and working groups, like the ERCIM STM WG, IFIP WG 11.14. Fabio Martinelli has been the coordinator of the EU FP7-No E NESSo S on Engineering Secure Future Internet Services, and he is currently the scientific coordinator of the Ne CS and C3ISP EU projects. Fabio Martinelli is the chair of the NIS WG3 and ECSO WG6 devoted to the preparation of the European Cyber-Security Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.   Prof. Theo Dimitrakos (M) is a part-time Professor of Computer Science at the Schoolof Computing and a Chief Researcher at Huawei. Previously He was at BT’s Research and Innovation division. He has twenty years of research and innovation experience in a range of topics relating to information security, identity and access management, cloud computing, trust management, and cloud computing. Theo also plays a leading role in some of the largest and most successful collaborative European research initiatives. Theo has also served in the programme committee of various academic and industry conferences and the editorial board of international journals. Theo has been an author of 8 books, over 60 technical papers in international conferences and journals and an inventor of over 20 patents. He has been an invited speaker in various security and cloud industry events, a member of the ENISA expert group on cloud security and resilience and a contributor to several advisory reports published by ENISA, CSA, and ISF. He has a Ph D in Computing from Imperial College London in the UK and a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Crete in Greece.   Prof. Javier Lopez is Full Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Malaga. His research activities are mainly focused on network security, security protocols and critical information infrastructures, leading a number of national and international research projects in those areas, including projects in FP5, FP6 and FP7 European Programmes. Prof. Lopez is the Spanish representative in the IFIP Technical Committee 11 on Security and Protection in Information Systems, as well as the Spanish coordinator of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 WG5 on Identity management and privacy technologies. He is Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), and a member of the Editorial Boards of, amongst others, IEEE Wireless Communications, Computers and Security, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Journal of Computer Security, IET Information Security, and International Journal on Critical Infrastructure Protection. In the past, he was Chair of the IFIP Working Group 11.11 on Trust Management and Chair of the ERCIM Working Group on Security and Trust Management.

8 Ebooki wg Theo Dimitrakos

Christian Damsgaard Jensen & Stephen Marsh: Trust Management IX
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, IFIPTM 2015, held in Hamburg, Germany, in May 2015. The 10 revised full papers an …
Theo Dimitrakos & Josep Martrat: Service Oriented Infrastructures and Cloud Service Platforms for the Enterprise
Service-Oriented Infrastructures including Grid and Cloud Computing are technologies in a critical transition to wider adoption by business. Their use may enable enterprises to achieve optimal IT uti …
Theo Dimitrakos & Fabio Martinelli: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust
Second International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust is an essential reference for both academic and professional researchers in the field of security and trust.Because of the comple …
Theo Dimitrakos & Fabio Martinelli: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, FAST 2005, held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in July 2005.The …
Theo Dimitrakos & D. Harrison McKnight: Trust Management VI
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2012, held in Surat, India, in May 2012. The 12 revised full papers presented together with 8 …
Theo Dimitrakos & Javier Lopez: Collaborative Approaches for Cyber Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
This book describes cyber-security issues underpinning several cyber-physical systems and several application domains, proposing a common perspective able to collect similarities as well as depict di …